Wingnuttery category archive
Gunning for a Fight 0
Over at Northjersey-dot-com, Jonathan Zimmerman suggests the gunnuttery is really not about guns, that, instead, guns are proxy for something else (and, no, he doesn’t mean penises).
Just read it.
(Horrifying grammatical error corrected.)
In Which I Transgress Godwin’s Law 3
Has anyone noticed the creepy similarity between Chris Christie’s proposal to barcode brown people and certain events involving tattoos and triangles in the second quarter of the 20th Century?
Gold Bugged 0
Scammified on a cross of gold.
Helm’s Derp 0
Via Job’s Anger.
Helm’s Derp 0
Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un and the interstate highway was still a dream, we would occasionally get caught behind an Army convoy on two lane roads.
It would seem endless, but it was but a blip compared to the cavalcade of crazy in Texas.
There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See 0
Farnsworth is not quite so charitable as Peter St. Onge.
Hoist on His Own Petard 0
Essential to teabaggery is denial for any responsibility for the public good or for contributing thereunto, because those contributions take the form of taxes (at least until teabaggers discover they are part of the public).
This case is sad, but it’s not at all sympathetic.
Via Balloon Juice.
All the World’s a Plot, and All the Men and Women Merely Plotters 0
Tony Norman explores the magnetic powers of conspiracy theories. A snippet:
Ironically, those most concerned about Jade Helm 15 aren’t remotely bothered by the militarization of the police or by what’s happening in large swaths of urban America. They aren’t suspicious of the takeover of the political process by corporate interests and plutocrats. Their anxieties are much more exotic and unlikely. They’re not particularly open to a counter narrative that involves anything less than a supernatural villain whose plans can be leaked in advance on the Internet.
The March (and April and May) of the Zombie Lies 1
In related news, Leonard Pitts, Jr, peers from the ramparts of Helm’s Deep and sees the attacking forces of Sauron stupid, the army of the zomebies zombie lies of wingnuttery.
”That’s the argument conservatives found “hateful” “sickening” and “dishonest.”
So it is, depending upon your religious outlook, a fortuitous coincidence or superfluous evidence of God’s puckish sense of humor that a few days later comes news of conservatives accusing the federal government of trying to take over the state of Texas.
Helm’s Deep 4
Jim Wright tries to figure out the terror in Texas. A snippet:
This, right here.
I’ve been putting it off, talking about Jade Helm, because it’s just so stupid, just so utterly fucking stupid even for the twitching under-medicated paranoia that passes for Republicans nowadays. But I see I can’t evade it any longer.
Read it.