From Pine View Farm

Wingnuttery category archive

The Scrooge Party 0

Mean for the sake of mean–it’s a Republican thing.


Republicans against Disabilities 2

Little Ricky is back in action:

President-unelect Rick Santorum made his triumphant return to the Capitol this week and took up a brave new cause: opposing disabled people.

Specifically, Santorum, joined by Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah), urged the Senate to reject the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities – a treaty negotiated during George W. Bush’s administration and ratified by 126 nations, including China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, and Syria.

The former presidential candidate pronounced “grave concerns” about the treaty, which forbids discrimination against people who have AIDS, are blind, use wheelchairs, and the like. “This is a direct assault on us,” he declared.

Follow the link to see his reasoning.

It makes sense only in the warped world of winguttery.


Trafficking in the “Secesh” 0

Frank Cerabino has a suggestion:

Thousands of Floridians have gotten the idea that seceding from the United States is the proper reaction to the presidential election. This is good news for me – especially if these foes of tyranny put their rugged individualism into actual action by not using Interstate 95. My commute will be much easier when I don’t have to share the federal highway with freeloading secessionists.


Is the Crazy Train Losing Passengers? 0

Rachel Maddow wonders whether the Republican Party is jettisoning its crazies. The relevant part starts about at about the 4:26 mark, following a summary of the big stories of the week.

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Nah. Just putting them back on the shelf for a while.

Via Raw Story.


Life in the Benghazi Bubble 0

Rachel Maddow explores John McCain’s and Republicans’ efforts to gin up a scandal over Benghazi:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Via Raw Story.


Georgia Dodges a Bullet 0

Georgians can relax. The degree of public insanity will remain unchanged.

U.S. Rep. Allen West continues to hold out hope that he can prevail with a recount in his coastal Florida race. But the Republican firebrand has ruled out a return to Georgia should he need to restart his political career.
