From Pine View Farm

Words Fail Me category archive

Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

You won’t believe how fiendly they’ve become.


A Chunk of Melon 0

Florida Woman.


The Shell Game 0

Poached eggs.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They get fiendlier every day.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

The land grab.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

While we’re on the subject . . . .


It’s in the Bag 0

Florida Woman.


How Do You Put the “Anti-” in “Anti-Social”? 0

Why, with “social” media, of course!

For example.


Willie Sutton He’s Not 0

Florida Man.


Ask Not for Whom the Watch Tolls 0

It tolls for Florida Woman.

There must be something in the water . . . .


It Depends 0

Florida Man.


Quality Construction at a Price that Frights 0

Emma and the crew discuss some issues encountered by persons who have purchased Tesla Cybertrucks and later discovered that they were well and truly trucked.

Also, too . . . .


I happen to know someone who owns a Tesla.

I asked him about Tesla’s “autopilot.” He told me it was like an enhanced cruise control that could, for example, sense when cars ahead were slowing down and react accordingly.

I asked him if he ever read a book while he was on “autopilot.”

He said, “No.”

No doubt because he’s sane.


A Pillow of the Community 0

Sam and the crew are somewhat taken aback to find that RNC co-chair Lara Trump is shilling for My Pillow.

Just when you think that our society of stupid can’t get any stupider, it up and proves you to be, as my old boss* used to say, in error.


*He was my first boss at a full-time job and he was very easy to work for because he was a skillful boss.

I once asked him how he got to be such a good boss. He paused for a minute, then said, “I think about what my first boss would have done. Then I do the opposite.”


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They get fiendlier every day.


Disorder in the Court 0

At Above the Law, Kathryn Rubino decodes de code.


In Case You Wondered Why There’s
Hamburger All Over the Highways

This afternoon, as I was running errands, I was sitting at a red light in the right lane of a major three-lane street, because, at the next block, I intended to turn right to go to my bank.

A vehicle came up in the lane to my left, that is, not the right lane, then turned right, crossing in front of me to enter thw shopping center to my right.

Two more vehicles followed it.

Somehow, I doubt that this is what “right turn on red after stop” is about.

We are not only a society of stupid.

We are a society of selfish.


Dogged Pursuit 0

Florida Man.


Republican Family Values 0

If this is not a miscarriage of justice, I have no idea what would qualify as such.

I am beyond appalled.


I know someone who had a miscarriage.

She was devastated.

As far as she was concerned, she had not “had a miscarriage,” she had lost a baby. In her case, it happened under medical care, so she was she was not faced with the issue that this woman was faced with–what to do with the baby.

That Republicans would choose turn someone who suffered an unavoidable medical emergency into a criminal defendant exemplifies the moral bankruptcy of the organization that portrays itself as the party of family values.

Today’s Republican Party is a vile and loathsome thing.


The Barbie Mover 0

A pink pilferer.


A Look Back 0

Pilgrim family sits gazing out at sea.  Father says,

Click to view the original image.
