From Pine View Farm

Words Fail Me category archive

Highway Hijinks 0

Florida Man meets Florida Woman.


Denial It Not Just a River in Egypt 0

At the Detroit Free Press, William Proctor recounts his telephone conversation with a Trump true believer who has been convicted of leaving threatening voice mails to government officials after the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection.

Read his article and look into the darkness.


“Bug Off, Boyfriend” 0

So says Florida Woman.


Truth in Thieving 0

Florida Man.


Battery by Burrito 0

Florida Woman.


Swiftie Justice 0

Prospective juror makes a concerted effort to avoid jury duty.


The Florida Man(ifestation) 0

It’s always a bit disconcerting when a stereotype comes to life.


How Far Will Wells-Fargo? 0

Pretty damned far.


Vaccine Nation 0

Oh! Look! A dating site for stupid people.


Republican Family Values 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


Love, Love Me, Do 0


A Fruitful Relationship 0

Florida Woman.


An Empty Suit 0

As my mother would have said, the nerve of some people!


Suffer the Children 0

Iowa Republican wants to bring back child labor.

Words fail me.


She Wielded a Chicken . . . 0

. . . and now she’s in the coop.


A Question of Identity 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


Psychic Psycho 0

You can’t make this stuff up, at least, not if you are a sane person with some concept of social responsibility and the public good.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Twits Own Twitter 0

Elon Musk fires Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel for doing his job.


A Toy Story 0

Florida Man.


The Demeaning of Life 0

Pig:  Oh great Wise Ass on the hill, your sign below says you're now charging for advice.  Wise Ass:  Don't worry, Pig.  I'll still give you advice for free.  Pig:  Oh, good, because I really need to know . . . what is the purpose of life?  Wise Ass:  To get as many likes on social media as possible.  Pig:  I'll start paying.  Wise Ass:  Good choice.

Click for the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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