It’s All about the Benjamins 0
Back when I was a young ‘un the college football season ended with the New Year’s bowl games. Now, it’s still going on shows no sign of ending. Meanwhile, I’ve lost almost all interest in professional and college college-level professional sports. (And, yes, I think there’s cause-and-effect there.)
At Psychology Today Blogs, Tess M. Kilwein takes a look at some of the recent changes in college sports their potential effects on “student” athletes, noting that “(t)hese . . . developments in college athletics pose both benefits and risks to student-athlete mental health.” Here’s a bit of her article:
Furthermore, student-athletes face a reduced ability to enjoy a typical college experience. Opportunities to engage in formal clubs and organizations or informal social activities outside of the college athletic environment are becoming increasingly rare for student-athletes and can result in further isolation from non-athlete peers.
The Privatization Scam 0
And it is a scam. You can voucher on it.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
The Washington Monthly’s Bill Scher hears a rhyme in the firings this time. A snippet; follow the link for a parsing of the parallels.
Less than a week after Trump was sworn in, he fired 17 inspectors general.
Inspectors general are federal government investigators embedded in government agencies to ferret out waste, fraud, and abuse. Lofgren’s prediction came in a review of the book Watchdogs by Glenn Fine, a former inspector general fired by Trump after 20 years of exemplary service.
Last week’s pink slips violated a law enacted three years ago in response to Trump’s first-term firings, which mandated 30 days’ notice to Congress before the president could terminate an Inspector General.
Trump’s illegal assertion of executive power echoes the attempt 158 years ago by President Andrew Johnson to fire Secretary of War Edward Stanton.
*Mark Twain.
Executive Disorders 0
At Above the Law, Joe Patrice points out that Donald Trump’s attempt to halt disbursement of legally appropriate funds by decree executive order is–er–of dubious legality. Here’s a tiny bit of his article:
Whatever you might say about the price of eggs and gas (here, they have both risen since the election), it seems clear that Trump intends to keep one campaign promise, however flippantly he made it: To be a dictator . . . ..
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” exposes a child to politeness.
The man told police he heard the gunshot after leaving the boy alone in the room to bring a plate into the kitchen, authorities said.
Republican Family Values 0
The Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal debunks de bunk.
Those “Values Voters” 0
David Masciotra, in the midst of a longer post, makes a trenchant observation:
Follow the link for context.
A BLT on Wry 0
At, Roy Lehman makes a strong case that the successor to DEI will be BLT. He picks as an one example our (shiver) new Secretary of Defense. Here’s a bit:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Celebrate your team’s playoff victory with politeness.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
On this, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Andy Tix hears a number of disturbing rhymes.
Follow the link for rendition thereof.
*Mark Twain.