From Pine View Farm

Soldier On 0

Mrs. Betty Bowers offers some advice for living in these Trumpled times.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

On this, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Andy Tix hears a number of disturbing rhymes.

Follow the link for rendition thereof.


*Mark Twain.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

At the Washington Monthly, Garrett Epps dissects the duplicity implicit in Donald Trump’s attempt to despotically single-handedly amend the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Here’s a tiny bit of his article:

For most of us on the sidelines, the outstanding feature of Trump’s order is its cruelty—its deliberate targeting of babies born after February 19, 2025, rendering them stateless and ineligible for the benefits of citizenship most native-born Americans take for granted. Think like a judge, however: from that point of view, the striking defect of the order is simply the crushing weight of legal authority that it purports to sweep aside.

Follow the link for more about a judge’s perspective.


The Party of Flaw and Disorder 0

At the Des Moines Register, Rekha Basu looks at Donald Trump’s first actions in office and decodes de code (emphasis added):

Amnesty and pardons were given to some 1,600 people who answered his call to protest the 2020 election results — the ones he referred to as “J.6 hostages.” Some members of white nationalist groups Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, others unaffiliated, they’d stormed the Capitol illegally, in some cases violently. Trump freed them.

At the other end was Trump’s order to dispatch thousands of military troops to the southern border to keep out migrants.

The message: Breach boundaries for me and you’re fine. Do it because you’re fleeing violence or persecution, and we’ll set the troops on you.

Follow the link for the rest of her remarks.


This New Gilded Age 0

Sam and the crew follow the money to understand why the right-wing wants to get rid of what it–the right–refers to as “the administrative state,” that is, federal regulatory and research agencies established to protect the well-being of the country and its inhabitants. (Disregard the caption in the video below; it misses the gist of the clip.)

Finish reading this post »


Kindred Spirits 0

Two men breaking rocks in the fires of Hell.  One says,

Click for the original image.


A. Enron 0

Q. What business are Republicans thinking of when they say, “Run the government like a business?”



Herman Melville:

Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges.


A Tune for the Times 0


Republican Family Values 0

Donald Trummp dressed as Pontius Pilate with Christ's cross looming in the background says,

Click to view the original image.


Sisterhoods 0

Florida Women.


This New Gilded Age 0

Farron follows the money.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another improperly stored gun.

Another wounded child.

Another day in NRA paradise.


Gag Order 0

Heaven Trump forbid that federal agencies charged with protecting the health of the populace be allowed to have the unmitigated gall to warn persons of dangers to their health and well-being.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Up in your business? Darn tootin’.



H, P. Lovecraft:

No new horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of the commonplace.


A Tune for the Times 0

From the Youtube page:

In case you were wondering who the new Secretary of Homeland security would be, Kristi Noem, the South Dakota Governor of “I shot my dog’, fame is one step away from taking over that position. She still has to be approved by the full body of the Senate but that looks increasingly likely. The Freedom Toast and Cinebot Video made this video back when she was being considered for VP. It’s a good reminder.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Rhymes”* 0

Michael in Norfolk hears a most disturbing rhyme.

I continue to feel as if I am caught in a nightmare where America is time traveling to early 1930’s Germany.

Follow the link to find out why he feels that way.


*Mark Twain.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

SFgate’s Drew Magary explains why he deleted his account at Twitter X.


The Rule of Lawless 0

Thom comments on Trump’s pardon of his violence-prone fanboys the January 6th insurrectionists.

This topic was also discussed in somewhat more detail on Thursday’s episode of The Bob Cesca Show.

I have listened to Bob’s podcast almost since its beginning–certainly since its first year–and commend it to your attention.
