Dis Coarse Discourse 0
Steven Stosny argues forcefully that one of the forces coarsening dis coarse discourse is that shaming has replaced discussing. A snippet:
I think his article is worth your while.
Just look around.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog, spoken by a policeman: No fixed address.
The closed caption: I’ll fix the dress.
The dialog (in the same episode): Nottingham Shire?
The closed caption: Knotting, I’m sure.
The intelligence: Artificial.
The stupid: Real.
The Crypto Con in This New Gilded Age 0
Here’s the lede, via Truthout. Follow the link for the details
Not that those pushing crypto might have any ulterior motives . . . .
Donald Trump, the Tantrum Yogi 0
At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jim Lenkner makes a strong and disturbing case that we–at least, some of us–have devolved into a nation of tantrum-throwing three-year olds. He points to Donald Trump’s pardoning of the January 6th insurrectionists as an example:
There is no contrition. Instead, we learned that violence is okay if it is for my cause. Stopping our government from performing its duties is okay if we smash and attack like toddlers for what we think is “mine.” And, we must never say I’m sorry. Contrition is for losers.
I can pick a few nits with some of his remarks, but methinks he makes some good points.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Police said the boy was with an 11-year-old friend when they threw a snowball at a car.
That was when the car turned around and shot the 12-year-old multiple times, according to police.
Lieutenant Aaron Boisvert said, “Thank God [his injuries were] non-life-threatening. Could’ve been a lot worse.”
We are society suffering from self-inflicted lead poisoning.
The Clueless Crew 0
Methinks my old friend from my Philly days has pretty much put his finger on major part of the problem.
Republican Family Values 0
Yet another exhibit in the pile of evidence that mean for the sake of mean is a Republican family value.
The Rule of Lawless 0
At the Tampa Bay Times, retired DEA agent Robert Mazur shares his thoughts.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
And, as we all know, a polite society is a clean society.
One more time, “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.
Facebook Frolics 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Michael Patrick Lynch argues that, given the reach of Facebook and its sister “social” media apps, the Zuckerborg’s decision to eschew fact-checking has serious implications for the future of democracy. He cites Hanna Arendt:
Follow the link for his arguments.