From Pine View Farm

Have You Been Assimilated by the Zuckerborg?
Do You Want To Free Yourself?

My friend got a message yesterday from a friend informing her that said friend was leaving Facebook “because facts matter.”

Coincidentally, this appeared in my feeds:

the EFF offers some pointers as to how to dis-assimilate oneself from the Zuckerborg.




Men are only too clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others.


A Pillow of the Community 0


Macho, Macho Men* 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, Stephanie Harris reacts to Mark Zuckerberg’s claim that we need a more masculine culture. A snippet:

“I think a lot of the corporate world is pretty culturally neutered,” Zuck told fellow noted Caucasian man Joe Rogan. “Masculine energy is good, and obviously, society has plenty of that, but I think corporate culture was really trying to get away from it. I think having a culture that celebrates the aggression a bit more has its own merits that are really positive.”

So true. Men have been ignored for too long. As the nation writes this next chapter, it is crucial to refocus our attention on them. After all, we have been allowed to have credit cards in our own names since, what, 1974? And women run a whole 10% of Fortune 500 companies. What are we even whining about?


*Methinks the text-speak shorthand for this term in this context is “WATB.”


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

As cynical as I have become been made, I must admit that this rather takes me aback.

I expect that my father, who was in the Ardennes, would be appalled.


The Fires Liars This Time 0

GOP Elephant standing amongst ruins of California fires says,

Click for the original image and the artist’s commentary.


The Fires This Time 0

Jimmy Kimmel discusses being in Los Angeles during the fires this time.


I spent a lot of time in California on business trips.

I must confess, I don’t like California and I agree with Alexander Woollcott about Los Angeles. The Cali scenery is beautiful–especially the high Sierras–but I guess I’m just an east coast guy at heart.

But that doesn’t mean I dislike Californians or wish them ill.

I–all should–contemn those folks who are trying to score political points off the California fires and those who are suffering from them.

But it seems that those who sell hate always finds buyers, because hate sells, for hating is always easier than thinking.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another child . . . .

And again we are reminded that “accidental” and “negligent” are not synonyms.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

In the current kerfuffle over kids and cell phones, Peter Gray, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, hears many rhymes with “moral panics” in the past. Here’s the ones he mentions specifically:

  • Penny Dreadfuls and Dime Novels in the Victorian Era
  • The Motion Picture Panic of the 1930s
  • The Post-WWII Comic Book Panic
  • The Video Game Panic of the 1990s and Early 21st Century

Follow the link for a detailed discussion of each.


*Mark Twain.



Maurice Davis:

We know, and we must never forget, that every path leads somewhere. The path of segregation leads to lynching. The path of anti-Semitism leads to Auschwitz. The path of cults leads to Jonestown. We ignore this fact at our peril.


A Blast from the Past 0

Arthur Godfrey sings “Teterboro Tower.”

When I was a young ‘un, the CBS Arthur Godfrey radio show was a morning staple in our house.


Facebook Frolics 0

Rebecca Watson comments on Mark Zuckerberg’s decision the greenlight hate speech on his “social” media platforms. (Warning: Mild language.)

Or you can read the transcript.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Truthful? Let Beloit professor Robin Zebrowski answer that:

. . . AI has no concept of truth.

Follow the link for the context of that statement.


Republican Thought Police in This New Gilded Age 0

Title:  It's 2025.  Time To Be Oligarchically Correct.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


Clouded Thinking 0

David discusses the storm of stupid that the California fires seem to have sparked in right-wing reactions thereunto. (Warning: Short commercial starts at the 4:30 mark.)


Where Is She Now? 0

Florida Man wanted to know.


Because It Is. Okay? 0

I don’t care what closed captions say or what one of my favorite mystery writers writes.

“All right” is two words.




Hugh Gaitskell:

Fascism has become the last defence of a crumbling economic system. It is the last bulwark of Capitalism.


Missing in Inaction 0

The Editorial Board of my local rag looks at statements by a number of Republican regarding the fires in California and editorializes that

Withholding relief from California fire victims would be unconscionable

The editorial itself is behind the paywall, but its title summarizes it nicely.

But that leads to a larger question:

    Where is the evidence that today’s Republican Party has a conscience?

“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Rhymes”* 0

PoliticalProf hears a rhyme from a century ago.


*Mark Twain.
