From Pine View Farm

A Tune for the Times 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Mark Zuckerberg removes a bar labeled

Click to view the original image.


The Media Is the Message 0

Thom argues that, if you can control the media, you can control the message, and traces the history of Republican efforts to do just that.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

At The Kansas City Star, Dion Lefler looks at Republicans’ reactions to the fires in California and finds himself less than favorably impressed. Here’s a bit from his article; I commend the entire piece to your attention.

Speaking as a near-lifelong Republican, if this is what “Making America Great Again” looks like, count me out.

Follow the link to learn why he said that.


The Rule of Flaw 0

A Solomonic ruling rooted in Cannon law.


Republican Family Values 0

As has been noted before in these electrons, mean for the sake of mean appears to be a pirmary, if not the primary, Republican family value.

David has more. in this case, regarding the fires in California:


The Crypto Con 0

You may dig it (if you do, know that you’ve been conned), but, per a British court ruling, this guy can’t.

Via El Reg, which has more about crypto cons.



Roger Ebert:

Doing research on the Web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly.


The Establishmentarian Cult of Trump 0

Comedian interviews establishmentarians, with predictable results.


Driving Defensively on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Bill Eddy notes that (emphasis added):

  • Social media and some news outlets often include false information which can feel true from repetition.
  • Research shows that false and emotional information spreads farther and faster than the truth.

He then suggests ten questions that can be helpful in parsing perfidy. Here’s a snippet; follow the link for the full list.

Will the speaker/writer personally benefit by saying what they are saying . . . .


Arson Investigators 0

Man One:  Elon Musk says Los Angeles is on fire because of D. E. I.  MAGA-hatted man:  They have a woman fire chief.  Can you believe it?  Man One:  President Trump says it's because Gavin Newsom refused to sign the very real Water Restoration Declaration.  MAGA-hatted man:  Lying Democrats claim no such document exists.  Man one:  Their shamelessness knows no bounds.  MAGA-hatted man:  Alex Jones says the fires are a globalist conspiracy to wage economic warfare before triggering total collapse--and Elon agrees.  Man one:  Thank goodness for X, the everything app, where we can do our own research.  Man three:  I wonder if droughts and rising temperatures resulting from climate change could have probably played any role in these fires?  (Pause)  I'm kidding.  Do I look like a conspiracy nut?  MAGA-hatted man:  Hah!  You had me worried for a moment there.  Man one:  I bet it was space lasers.

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

One of those “responsible gun owners” aims to take a downhill run.


The Kleptocrats 0

Vladimir Putin looks at a map of Ukraine and says,

Click for the original image.


Prioritization Nation 0

At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mike McCool share a few thoughts about our nation’s priorities.


Karen Karen-Like 0

A Karen tries to fly the fiendly skies but instead just makes them fiendlier.



James Randi:

Sir, there is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out.


Snowbird 0

From by brother’s birdfeeder cam in Virginia’s Northern Neck. (He got about three inches. We got off easy with just a dusting.)

Bird at snowy birdfeeder


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Kim Shinkoskey hears a rhyme. Here’s how he opens his article:

The MAGA movement in America is currently using methods perfected by the Soviet communist movement in Russia.

Follow the link for his evidence.


*Mark Twain.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

We are a society of stupid.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Thirsty? Like a bear waking up from hibernation.
