Dis Coarse Discourse 0
At The Kansas City Star, Dion Lefler looks at Republicans’ reactions to the fires in California and finds himself less than favorably impressed. Here’s a bit from his article; I commend the entire piece to your attention.
Follow the link to learn why he said that.
The Rule of Flaw 0
A Solomonic ruling rooted in Cannon law.
Republican Family Values 0
As has been noted before in these electrons, mean for the sake of mean appears to be a pirmary, if not the primary, Republican family value.
David has more. in this case, regarding the fires in California:
The Crypto Con 0
You may dig it (if you do, know that you’ve been conned), but, per a British court ruling, this guy can’t.
Via El Reg, which has more about crypto cons.
Driving Defensively on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Bill Eddy notes that (emphasis added):
- Social media and some news outlets often include false information which can feel true from repetition.
- Research shows that false and emotional information spreads farther and faster than the truth.
He then suggests ten questions that can be helpful in parsing perfidy. Here’s a snippet; follow the link for the full list.
Will the speaker/writer personally benefit by saying what they are saying . . . .
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
One of those “responsible gun owners” aims to take a downhill run.
Prioritization Nation 0
At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mike McCool share a few thoughts about our nation’s priorities.
Karen Karen-Like 0
A Karen tries to fly the fiendly skies but instead just makes them fiendlier.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Kim Shinkoskey hears a rhyme. Here’s how he opens his article:
Follow the link for his evidence.
*Mark Twain.