From Pine View Farm


Bob Cesca:

Libertarianism is Scientology for politics.


What’s in a Word? 0

Mangy Felocks explains some neologisms. (Warning: Tasteless. Accurate, but tasteless.)


Distracted Driving 0

Florida Man.

The stupid. It burns.


“Get Me Rewrite!” 0

At the Des Moines Register, Lyle Miller digs into Republicans’ efforts to portray Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election as a good thing.

I commend his article to your attention.


Lopsided Legacies 0

Joe Biden stands before a monument labeled

Click for the original image.


The Firestorm of Lies 0

Thom dissects the firestorm of right-wing lies about the California fires.


The Burial Plot 0

If we bury it somewhere away from the front page, maybe nobody will notice it.


Stray Question 0

Does this remind you of anyone in the news?

Finish reading this post »



Marriner Stoddard Eccles:

The United States economy is like a poker game where the chips have become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, and where the other fellows can stay in the game only by borrowing. When their credit runs out the game will stop.


A Tune for the Times 0


Speaking of Gulfs . . . . 0

Caption:  Gulf of America.  Image:  Body of water with crowd of

Via Balloon Juice.


What’s in a Name? 0

In the midst of a longer column regarding Donald Trump’s threat promise to rename the Gulf of Mexico, the Tampa Bay Times’s Stephanie Hayes clarifies the actual reason behind his desire to do so.

The whole piece is an absolute hoot and I don’t want to spoil your fun.

Just go read it for yourself.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Those “responsible gun owners” just cannot seem to resist the urge to expose their portable phalluses to others on our nation’s highways and on its byways.


Facebook Frolics 0

Sam and the crew dissect the dissimulations of the digital despot.

The EFF also has–er–qualms after a second reading of the Zuckerborg’s new policy. A bit from their post:

(W)e became aware that rather than addressing those historically over-moderated subjects, Meta was taking the opposite tack and—as reported by the Independent—was making targeted changes to its hateful conduct policy that would allow dehumanizing statements to be made about certain vulnerable groups.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Making Sense of the Nonsensical 0

At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, David Mills considers Donald Trump’s recent statements about–er–annexing Greenland, Canada and Panama–something that in saner times would be considered shall-we-say somewhat aggressive and warlike.

Mills offers a theory as to why Donald Trump says some of the things he does. Here’s a bit of his article:

Some people . . . try to lead by creating confusion and the fear that follows confusion. They keep everyone else always off-balance because people who are off-balance can’t defend themselves very well or go on the offensive. Being continually off-balance makes them afraid, because they never know when they might fall, or get knocked down.

Many of us have had bosses like that. I think Donald Trump is that kind of boss. He creates confusion and then fear by being so cavalier with the truth.

He may be onto something.

My own theory is simpler.

I don’t think Trump and truth or on speaking terms, but that’s just me.


Textual Error 0

Florida Woman.



Don Marquis:

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Monnica T Williams explores the harm done by racist (and, by extension, other bigoted) microaggressions. She points that their being “micro” doesn’t make them any less “aggressions.” A snippet:

When a white family member understands that a loved one’s pain isn’t an isolated incident, but part of a larger pattern of racism, their perspective deepens. Instead of dismissing microaggressions as misunderstandings, they begin to see them as reflections of a systemic problem that needs to be addressed.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders, Truth-in-Advertising Dept. 0

Caption:  Musk updates his logo.  Image:  Elon Musk with paint labeled

Click to view the original image.
