Break Time 0
Off to drink liberally.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Monnica T Williams explores the harm done by racist (and, by extension, other bigoted) microaggressions. She points that their being “micro” doesn’t make them any less “aggressions.” A snippet:
The Crypto Cons 0
Yes, it appears that there’s more than one.
Via Balloon Juice, Bluesky user “jon of the north” talks taxonomy and offers a classification of the cons.
Prioritization Nation 0
Methinks Atrios makes a valid point.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
One of those “responsible gun owners” apparently decided that politeness if for the birds.
Recommended Viewing 0
The tongue-in-cheek humor is quite delightful. And, as someone who was a fan of The Wild Wild West when I was a young ‘un, I quite enjoy watching Ross Martin in this earlier role.
I’m watching it on Tubi, but, given the proliferation of streaming “services,” you can likely find it in other places.
Twits Own Twitter X Offenders
The Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal has had enough of Elon Musk’s antics. Here’s a tiny bit from her article:
Remember the porn bots? They’re everywhere now. And there’s a lot more vitriol and insults. Musk’s management has turned it into an angry, stewing right-wing playground. I logged in just now and the first notification I received was someone commenting, “Leftist filth destroys states and communities.” It was a reply to a picture I had retweeted of Maine Gov. Janet Mills dressed as Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
Courting Disaster 0
Yet more Cannon law.
Under a Spell 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Robin Stern discusses a topic which methinks sheds some light on the appeal of Donald Trump.
Go give it a read.
In a similar vein, Michael in Norfolk addresses a contributing factor.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Among other things, Thom and former FBI agent Mike German discuss the origins of the Second Amendment. It’s likely not what you expect it to be and certainly not what the NRA and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers would want you to think.
Frankly (I do everything frankly), it rather took me aback, but it did not surprise me.
Facebook Frolics 0
Shorter Mark Zuckerberg: Facts schmacks.
Here’s a bit from the CNN report:
Zuckerberg, however, acknowledged a “tradeoff” in the new policy, noting more harmful content will appear on the platform as a result of the content moderation changes.
Methinks “politically biased” in the passage above is Zuckerspeak for “keep calling out right-wing lies,” but that’s just me.