it’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World 0
Everyone seems to angry, and, as mentioned in an earlier post today, many in politics and news media are feeding anger to advance their agendas.
At Psychology Today Blogs, Steven Stosny suggests that
(t)he worst thing about living in an angry world is turning into what we despise
and offers some suggestions as to how to avoid falling victim to the hawkers of hate..
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Bubblelicious? Oh my yes indeedy-do.
The Medicine Show 0
Here’s a bit from the artist’s comments linked above (emphasis added):
Not long after announcing his plan to make cavities great again, RFK Jr. doubled down with his nonsense about the polio vaccine. How dumb is rolling back approval of the polio vaccine? Even Trump had to come out and say he was a big believer in it. It’s the “believer” part of that last sentence where we as a nation are running into trouble.
When it comes to the polio vaccine specifically, and medical science in general, there’s nothing to believe, only objective fact. . . . The Republican Party has had a troubled relationship with objective truth this past decade or so, and it’s about to start having a bigger effect on your health.
Today’s Republican Party not only values faction over country, it values faction over competence.
Republican Family Values 0
We are again reminded that “suffer the children” is a Republican family value.
All the News that Gives You Fits 0
Arash Javanbakht, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, notes that studies show that many Americans are not just turned off by the news, they are turning off the news because they are emotionally worn out. He looks into thee reasons why.
Here’s a bit of his article (follow the link for the rest–it is a worthwhile read):
Over the past few decades, many people have felt a strong push for tribalism, an “us vs. them” way of seeing the world, turning Americans against one another. This has led to a point where we are not just in disagreement with each other. We hate, cancel, block, and attack those who disagree with us.
I agree that the news is very bad. The nation may well be in its worst crisis since the 1850s. I also agree that not wallowing in the news from dawn to dusk is wise.
But turning away from it entirely–not a good idea in these fraught times.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
There seems to be a proliferation of politeness on the pavement
We are a society suffering from lead poisoning.
Definitions 0
The Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal has a question:
Follow the link for her thoughts on the answer.
The Crypto Con 0
Paul Krugman asks, “Crypto! What is it good for?”*
Here’s a tiny excerpt from his piece.
Via C&L.
*With apologies to Edwin Starr.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog: He had a bust up with his girl friend.
The closed caption: He had bus stop with his girlfriend.
Apparently, I am not the only one whom words sometimes fail.