This New Gilded Age 0
Apparently, I am not alone in realizing that the 1890s are back.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
The Trump administration has again renamed an army base back to its old name–one that honored a Secessionist general–again after hunting up the name of an honorable soldier that they can use to whitewash (you will pardon the expression) their deed.
Chris Potter, in the voice of Det. Sgt. Tom Ryan:
We don’t always get happy endings in real life. That’s why people go to the movies.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Professor Sabrina B. Little reminds us that, on the Disinformation Superhighway
Follow the link for some suggestions for how to shy away from shysters.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
He couldn’t resist the temptation.
He just had to play with his portable phallus.
We are a society of stupid.
Russian Impulses, Reprise 0
The Rude One is not sanguine. Here’s a tiny bit from his article; follow the link for the rest (warning: rudeness):
The effect of this meeting was to take the United States out of its place as a leader in the world. We are now on our way to becoming like Russia . . . .
Suffer the Children 0
Again, that’s not scripture. That’s Republican policy (emphasis added).
Follow the link for details.
Republican Family Values 0
I wonder what Dr. Freud would have to say about Republicans’ obsession with other persons’ sex lives.