From Pine View Farm

Follow Dear Leader 0

Lemmings heading off a cliff.  Lead lemming says,

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“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Oh, my. It looks like another gun fired itself (emphasis added).

A man and his mother are recovering from injuries considered not life-threatening after a gun accidentally fired inside a residence Friday night.

Also, pigs, wings.

Guns don’t fire themselves.

Let me decode de code: “accidentally fired” translates to “someone accidentally negligently fired.”

The police and press, in wording their reports, need to stop letting “responsible gun owners” off the hook when said “responsible gun owners” (clearly seem to) have failed to exercise their gun ownership responsibly.



The Recycle Heap 0

David argues that Donald Trump’s proposed policies, such as tariffs, deregulation, trickle on economics, etc., amount to recycling failed policies from the past and will fail again.


Admissions Test 0

Michael in Norfolk sums it up:

As Donald Trump continues to roll out his nominees for cabinet positions and other critical governmental positions, two things define many of these nominees: (i) they are totally unqualified for the positions for which they have been tapped, and (ii) they are extreme ideologues who have sworn fealty Trump over all else.

Follow the link for context.


The Privatization Scam 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini makes a strong case that, in Arizona, the privatization scam just got scammier.



Barbara Bain, in the voice of Prudence:

Oh, it’s a wonderful world if you can afford it.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Donald Trump, standing on a ice floe flanked by factories spewing out pollution, says,

Click to view the original image.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

Plastics people, you’re such a drag.*


With apologies to the Mothers of Invention.


I remember many years ago, when I was a young ‘un, walking through the place where the sororities at my alma mater were located on my way to a restaurant for dinner and shouting, “Plastic people, you’re such a drag.”

I have never regretted it.


She Is Accused of a “Terroristic Threat” 0

Thom wanders, where’s the threat?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner.”

Another unsecured gun.

Another child.

We are a society poisoning itself with lead. At Psychology Today Blogs, Tahir Rahman offers some thoughts as to possible antidotes.


Poison Gas Attack 0

Caption:  Trump's new fragrance.  Image:  Donald Trump sprays

Click to view the original image.


The Snaring Economy 0

The artful dodger.


Health Care Schmealth Care, Reprise 0

More evidence that it’s all about the Benjamins: Elisabeth Rosenthal dissects the relabeling scam.



Nick Tate, in the voice of Ross Townsend:

You know, there’s only two ways to a businessman’s heart, cash in his pocket and grog down his throat.


A Tune for the Times 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” shows his politeness after a minor contretemps on the concrete.

The boy and his two siblings were on their way to school with their grandfather this morning when a minor traffic accident turned into a shooting.

“My papa made a turn and the man he was speeding… granddad hit his car… it was a small dent and the man just got out and started shooting,” Jackson said.

We are a broken society.


Dis Digital Dystopia 0

Man standing in bathroom with plumber.  Plumber holds up cell phone and says about the toilet,

Click for the original image.


Something I Hoped Never To See Again 0

Pictures of children in iron lungs because of polio, but apparently RFK Jr. and his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers have other plans.


Fat Cats 0

Seth discusses the latest in Trump.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Ready to disobey robot’s rules of order? You bet your sweet bippy.

Via Bruce Schneier.
