From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” shows his politeness after a minor contretemps on the concrete.

The boy and his two siblings were on their way to school with their grandfather this morning when a minor traffic accident turned into a shooting.

“My papa made a turn and the man he was speeding… granddad hit his car… it was a small dent and the man just got out and started shooting,” Jackson said.

We are a broken society.


Dis Digital Dystopia 0

Man standing in bathroom with plumber.  Plumber holds up cell phone and says about the toilet,

Click for the original image.


Something I Hoped Never To See Again 0

Pictures of children in iron lungs because of polio, but apparently RFK Jr. and his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers have other plans.


Fat Cats 0

Seth discusses the latest in Trump.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Ready to disobey robot’s rules of order? You bet your sweet bippy.

Via Bruce Schneier.


Recommended Listening 0

Harry Shearer’s interview with Dr. Stephanie Kelton, professor of economics and public policy at Stony Brook University, in which they hold a balanced discussion of the federal deficit; In the course of their discussion, Kelton explodes many of the myths and falsehoods spread by the self-styled “deficit hawks.” The discussion starts at the 21-minute mark.

By the way, the rest of the show is also well worth a listen. I try not to miss an episode.



H. L. Mencken:

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.


Nurturer of Narcissism? 0

Jennifer Gerlach, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, reports on a recent study that seems to confirm that “social” media isn’t.

A study of 23,532 people explored possible relationships between self-esteem, narcissistic personality traits, and social media use. Of interest, low self-esteem and narcissistic personality traits are both correlated with high levels of social media engagement (Andreassen et al., 2017).

Follow the link for her thoughts on the matter.

And remember, you don’t use “social” media. “Social” media companies use you.


Immunity Impunity 0

Suffer the children.Get out of Jail free card


Health Care Schmealth Care 0

Michael in Norfolk argues that, in the United States, the health care “system” is all about the Benjamins, not about health nor care.

Methinks he makes some valid points.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Methinks David makes a valid point. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Republican Thought Police 0

Scott Maxwell has a question for Florida’s Republican thought police:

Think about it: If you truly had a concrete, defendable (sic) list of books that you believe are dangerous for kids to read, you’d release it. There would be no confusion. Every school in the state would know which books are allowed and which ones aren’t.

But to this day, the state has refused to produce a list of the books it believes are inappropriate — or even answer questions about whether certain books are OK when asked. Why do you think that is?.

Follow the link for his answer to his admittedly rhetorical question.


“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past . . . .”* 0

Title:  Learning issues.  Frame One:  Little boy in a snow storm with his tongue stuck to a metal pole.  At the top of the pole sits a sign reading 2016 Trump Presidency.  Frame Two:  Grown man in a snow storm with his tongue stuck to a metal pole.  At the top of the pole sits a sign reading 2024 Trump Presidency.

Via Balloon Juice.


*George Santayana.


A Consummation Devoutly To Be Wished . . . 0

. . . for he was well and truly hoist on his own petard.



Sinclair Lewis:

It has not yet been recorded that any human being has gained a very large or permanent contentment from meditation upon the fact that he is better off than others.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


A Wray of Dis-Appointment 0

PoliticalProf parses the pattern.


The Entitlement Society 0

Title:  Unelected Billionaire Broligarchy.  Image:  Elon Muxh and Vivek Ramaswamy hug Donald Trump.  Musk says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Crypto Con 0

Sam and the crew talk with Jacob Silverman, author of Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of Fraud, about the crypto con and how the crypto con artists are infiltrating politics courtesy of Donald Trump and the Trumpettes.


One for the Road 0

Army tank labeled

Click for the original image and the artist’s commentary.

(Broken link fixed.)
