“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
More brotherly politness:
The boy began playing with the gun when it accidentally discharged, striking his sister in the back, police said.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Foisted on you surreptitiously? Yes indeedy-do, at least if you use Windows 10 or higher.
A Glimpse of Christmas Future 0
It’s 70 Fahrenheits here as I type this. In December.
I fear we are will past the tipping point.
This New Gilded Age 0
It would seem that I am not alone in thinking that’s where we are today.
Geeking Out 0
Mageia v. 9 with the Plasma desktop. Firefox and KeepassXC are shaded. Xclock is in the upper right; GKrellM is in the lower right. The wallpaper is from my collection.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Potentially hazardous? Follow the evidence.
At Psychology Today Blogs, Tahir Rahman discusses how AI “chatbot interactions can reinforce harmful ideologies or worsen mental health issues.”
Follow the link to follow the evidence.
The Tales They Tell 0
To answer Curtis’s question, darn straight they do.
I went to all-white school under Jim Crow.*
They told us a lot of lies and even more half-truths about life in the old South.
And the lies live on.
*At least, it was all-white until I think it was the tenth grade when one I’m sure very carefully chosen black girl joined the senior class; the next year, a few more black students joined the junior and senior classes, and so on.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Apparently, he just couldn’t resist the temptation to shoot down Walmart’s delivery drone.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.