“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The hunt for politeness continues.
Yet more evidence that the fabled “responsible gun owner” is a mythical creature.
Normalization Nation 0
Methinks the Rude One makes some good points.
I gave up on television news, whether broadcast or cable, a long time ago. (Except if there’s a snow storm, and, as the climates they are a-changing, it’s been several years since we had even a little one of those.)
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
Writing at the Des Moines Register, Bruce Lear argues that we have become an uncivil society and will suffer–are suffering–for it. Methinks he has a point.
A tiny bit:
. . . we seem to have forgotten how to be civil or to compromise.
Follow the link for context.
Responsible Fiscals 0
Some Republican Congresspersons want to go all in on the Crypto Con.
Republican Family Values 0
Thom talks with Jacob Soboroff about the film, Separated, which documents Donald Trump’s policy of ripping children from the arms of their parents.
It would appear the “suffer the children” is a Republican family value.
You can learn more about the film at this link.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Baited and switched? Most definitely.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog: We must go down to the hall immediately.
The closed caption: We must go down to the hole immediately.
The intelligence: Artificial.
The stupid: Real.
The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0
. . . but many persons don’t seem to (want to) notice or care.
At Psychology Today Blogs, Bob Doppelt explores why. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:
Many Americans, however, remain psychologically dissociated from what is happening. This is a psychological protective mechanism people use to separate themselves from and mentally cope with extreme distress. It results from “fight or flight” reactions that are built into the nervous system to protect us from threats.
The process can be beneficial in the short term if it helps people get through troubles and then quickly reconnect with reality. When dissociation persists, however, and people continually disconnect from the real world, it can have very serious consequences.
This is widely occurring now regarding the C-E-B (climate-ecosystem-biodiversity–ed.) crisis.
The Cryto Con 0
Grung_e_Gene sees a parallel with the Galt and the Lamers. Here’s a bit from his article, which was inspired by the reaction to the short-lived (about 15 minutes) “Hawk Tuah” meme coin.
But, it’s staggeringly amazing to me the Crypto Community has immediately called for investigations and “legal action” by Government and Regulatory Bodies on their purposefully Unregulated, Untied to Government Scam Coins. The whole purpose of every crypto was to uncouple it from Government to have a truly free monetary system unburdened by inflationary fiat currency and the over-bearing hand of government.
Although, this is no different than Libertarians demanding a Government Military exist to keep their Slaves in Line but, not put the odious boot of Law & Order on their neck as the scheme and swindle and attempt to create the Randian Utopian.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
An oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” shoots first, gets questioned later.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.