From Pine View Farm

DOGE Bull 0

David lists the lies. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Establishmentarians 0

In a letter to the editor of the Portland Press Herald, the Rev. Dr. Douglas Nielsen suggests that America’s far-right evangelical they-call-themselves Christians may have mistaken an identity.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Party with politeness.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Michael in Norfolk perceives a rhyme in the news. A snippet:

If one studies how Hitler and the Nazi regime came to control news outlets and shut down independent media outlets, in addition to threats and intimidation, newspapers and journals had their office attacked and ransacked as a means of silencing them. Now, as we see America sliding towards oligarchy or even dictatorship, similar threats are being made . . . .


*Mark Twain.



Jeff Rich:

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.


Meta: Blogroll 0

I have removed a few sites which seem to have blog-faded from the blogroll. And I’ve added a new one.


A Tune for the Times 0


Sauce for the Gander 0

Caption:  If Elon answered his own email.  Image:  Elon Musd faces a computer screen displaying the words,

Via Job’s Anger.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Emma talks with Syracuse University professor Austin Kocher about our immigration system is “brokent by design” and about the racism that underlies much anti-immigration feelings.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Frame One:  Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


The Car Splotter 0

Florida Woman.


This New Gilded Age 0

Robert Reich fears that the existence of independent regulatory agencies may be in the crosshairs of today’s Robber Barons, aided and abetted by the Trump (mal)administration and the Supreme Supremacist Court.


True Believers 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Diane E Dreher discusses the research of psychiatrist Paul Holinger on the psychological reasons why persons may be attracted to extremist groups. Given dis coarse discourse, I think offers a valuable perspective.

Here’s a bit:

Extremist groups today offer emotionally distressed people an emotional home. They give these people a reason for what they feel, a sense of belonging, cohesion, and an outlet for their rage. Dr. Holinger also explains that extremist groups offer people someone to blame for their poor conditions, for “in order to be in this violent group, you’ve got to have an enemy.”



Anthony Trollope:

No man thinks there is much ado about nothing when the ado is about himself.


Russian Impulses 0

Michael in Norfolk has more.


Fiefdom of the Press 0

Person labeled

Click for the original image.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

In a longer article about how certain California Republican congresspersons have been–er–taken aback by negative reactions to Donald Trump’s pogrom crusade against immigrants, SFGate quotes a “social” media user who methinks sums it up succintly:

“This is not ‘common sense reform,’” one person commented under an Instagram video of Jones expressing his support for the bill. “This is bigotry wrapped with a bow.”


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

If you’re unhappy about your meal, be sure to complain to the staff with politeness.

We are a broken society.


DOGE Bulls in the China Shop 0

Trump voter is hoist on her own petard.

But wait! There’s more.

Video via C&L, which has commentary.


The Wage Slave 0

PoliticalProf thinks he has a handle on the division of labor in our current federal (mal)administration.

Along those lines, the Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini imagines that Elon Musk emailed Donald Trump demanding that Trump justify his being on the federal payroll. Then he goes on to imagine just what Trump might write in reply. A nugget:

Monday: Played golf in Florida.

Tuesday: Played golf in Florida.

Now, he’s even more troubled, thinking that he needs to dress things up a little because he is the president, after all, and he actually did do a lot more than just play golf. So, moving on to the next day, he writes:

Wednesday: Played golf in Florida. But, BUT, I also spoke to a group where I slammed federal employees for not working in their offices and said, “All federal workers must once again show up to work. Show up to work in person like the rest of us. It doesn’t work when you don’t show up … They’re not working. They’re playing tennis, they’re playing golf …”
