From Pine View Farm

The Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Azadeh Aalai looks at how the internet, and particularly “social” media, has empowered scams and scammers. She focuses on the career of Belle Gibson, the subject of two recent documentaries.

Aalai points out that

It isn’t that con artists or scammers didn’t exist prior to the internet age, but, today, the reach and scope of such bad faith actors is so much wider. . . . . Unfortunately, when consumers are lacking in media literacy and/or vulnerable, they are prime targets for such predators.

Follow the link for the rest, and, remember, just because you read it on a screen, it ain’t necessarily so.



Charlie Brill, in the voice of Capt. Harry Lipschitz:

A closed mind is like a closed door. It leads nowhere until it’s opened.


A Tune for the Times 0


DOGE Bull, One More Time 0

Kevin D. Williamson calls out the DOGE bull. Here’s a bit from his article (emphasis added):

It is obvious that Musk and his disreputable little gaggle of pudwhacking throne-sniffers simply do not know what they are doing: For example, they ordered the dismissal of a bunch of federal employees who were “on probation” because they seem to have thought that this probationary condition was disciplinary rather than a formality related to those employees being new hires.

Now, there’s stuff in Williamson’s screed that I don’t agree with, mostly some of the generalizations that he makes about how stuff should work. Nevertheless, given said disagreements, he has a much clearer notion of what governance should be than does the current federal administration. And, after all, there’s only one person I agree with all the time, and he’s typing these letters right now . . . .


A Notion of Immigrants 0

I think it highly likely that this fellow’s ancestors were immigrants once. Indeed, anyone whose ancestors came here after 1491 is descended from immi–oh, never mind.

We are a society of stupid. And of hate-full.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Illinois Governor Pritzker hears a rhyme.

Via The Bob Cesca Show After Party.


*Mark Twain.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

Gabby:  Let's go to the library.  Michael:  Why?  Any information I could ever want or need is on the internet.  So what's the different between the internet and a library.  Gabby:  In a library, the

Click to view the original image.


The Cloak of the Crypto Con 0

In the midst of a longer article about how he is somewhat taken aback by the loyalty of the Trumpettes in the face of Donald Trump’s actions, Devin Scillian notes how Trump is profiting from the crypto con:

I’ve also been grinding o? a molar over the launch of the Donald Trump meme coin cryptocurrency. It’s a clear money grab, a way of not only making money o? the presidency but, in the thinking of some of us, profiteering from the Ponzi scheme that continues to define crypto. (Fortune estimates that while thousands of investors lost $2 billion dollars in the rollout, the Trump family raked in $100 million in transaction fees.) Even worse, thanks to crypto’s invisibility cloak, there is no way to know who is pouring Russian rubles and Chinese yuan into the Trump coffers.

The whole article is worth a read.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

More neighborly politeness.



Alfred Nobel:

Second to agriculture, humbug is the biggest industry of our age.


A Tune for the Times 0


The Rule of Lawless 0

GOP Elephant says to Donald Trump,

Click to view the original image.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Play by the rules? You must be kidding.

Finish reading this post »


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

While he was headed into the (Wichita, Kansas–ed.) YMCA building, he reached into his bag and grabbed his gun accidentally, causing it to go off. He received a gunshot wound to the leg and was taken to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


Vaccine Nation 0

Uncle Sam, his body covered in a rash labeled

Click for the original image.


I had both kinds of measles when I was in elementary school. I can’t say they were terrible agony–certainly not any worse than the three cases of strep throat I had in my 20s–but they were not fun.

Why any sentient parents would choose to put their children at risk for that when it’s preventable is beyond me.

Doing so is cruel.

I do not think it an exaggeration to say that the anti-vax community promotes cruelty. Cruelty due to willful ignorance is still cruelty.


What’s in a Word? 0

Sometimes, not much. For example:

Ronald Greenberg argues that the word “conservative” no longer applies to today’s Republican Party. He finds aanother term more appropriate.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Michael in Norfolk gives away the game plan.



Cathy Ladman:

All religions are the same: religion is basically guilt, with different holidays.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


The Revisionist 0

Caption:  If Trump were president in 1939.  Image:  Trump at a table wiht hIrohito, Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin.  Trump says,

Click to view the original image.
