From Pine View Farm

The Rule of Lawless 0

Tom Moran finds a straw at which to grab.



George Santayana:

Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.


Fool’s Gold Fools 0


The Establishmentarian Privatization Scam 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Jim Jones deciphers the double-talk.

His article focuses on a proposed law in Idaho, but his arguments can be extrapolated to the larger polity. No excerpt or summary will do it justice. Just go read it.


Demolition Derby 0

The Trump administration has fired the only locksmith at Yosemite National Park, the person responsible for keeping track of hundreds of keys and locks for everything from bathrooms to gun safes. You can read the full story at the link, but I think this bit encapsulates how Trump and Musk and the rest of Trump’s are approaching their jobs:

“The people that fired me don’t know who I am, or what I do,” Vince wrote on Instagram. “They simply don’t understand this park and how big and complex it is.”

Substitute “government” for “park” in the quotation above; the statement will still hold true.

The bulls are well and truly loose in the china shop and are intent on destroying it.


Penny Dreadful 0

Mike and Farron argue that Trump’s edict that the Mint stop minting pennies is a misdirection play. Methinks they may be onto something. Trump is skillled at creating destruction distraction.


“Smart” and “cunning” are not synonyms.

Trump is most certainly cunning.


The (Actual) Deep State 0

Caption:  Somewhere in the

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

. . . and another “responsible gun owner” feels compelled to bare his portable phallus whilst traversing the pavement.

We are a broken society.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Trustworthy? I got a bridge in Brooklyn you can buy.



Meles Zenawi:

The rule of law is the basis for any democracy. And without the rule of law in democracy, you have chaos.


Snow (Updated) 0

We haven’t had snow for several years, but we made up for it yesterday.


According to WTKR, the airport, which is about two miles away, recorded 10.2 inches, putting this in the top ten snowfalls ever recorded in these parts.


I had a chat with one of my neighbors and we concluded that our last snowfall was four years ago, shortly after he moved here five years ago.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Words fail me.


True Believers of True Deceivers 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre looks at why persons believe stuff that isn’t true and identifies three pivotal factors:

  • Mistrust
  • Misinformation
  • Motivated reasoning (a cousin of confirmation bias–ed.)

Follow the link for his article. It is a most timely read.


Extra-Special Bonus QOTD 0

California State Sen. Scott Wiener, reacting to Donald Trump’s attempt to defund the Presidio Trust, which oversees the Presidio Park in San Francisco:

Trump . . . can’t tolerate success if it doesn’t benefit him personally.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

A X offender with a notion of immigrants.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

We are again reminded that politeness is a family value.

And, in more news of family politeness.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Stray Thought 0

It occurs to me that Trump’s MAGA slogan is in rhyming code.

The third word is one that rhymes with “great,” but actually starts with the next letter of the alphabet. And he’s made it come true.

Here’s just one little example.




War is sweet to those who have no experience of it, but the experienced man trembles exceedingly at heart on its approach.


A Tune for the Times 0


It’s All about the Benjamins 0

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett debunks de bunk:

Via C&L, which has the transcipt.
