From Pine View Farm

The Inquirer Looks Back 0

The local rag endorsed John Kerry for the 2004 Presidential Election. It was a lukewarm endorsement, so the paper chose to explain its reasons over a 21-day series of editorials. Each day, space on the Op-Ed page was given to supporters of Mr. Bush to counter the Inquirer’s position.

Today the Editorial Page Editor revisited that series of editorials. He started of his comments saying that

Saying “I told you so” yields a certain satisfaction, but this time it’s mighty thin.

Being right isn’t a good feeling when it means your country has become weaker, more divided and less secure.

A year ago today, the Editorial Board that I lead launched a series of issues essays on the 2004 election called “21 Reasons to Elect John F. Kerry.” For each of 21 days, we offered an analysis on a key issue, from Iraq to deficits to stem-cell research, critiquing President Bush’s performance and plans.

Follow the link to read the rest of the column. I commend it to your attention.


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