From Pine View Farm

My Little Gas Price Survey, 11/18/2005 2

It’s been about three weeks, and I was playing road warrior for two of them, but this is what I observed today. There have been significant drops:

Claymont, Del., Exxon, $2.09.

Claymont, Del., Sunoco $2.04.

Claymont, Del., Wawa, $2.01.

Claymont, Del, BP, $2.06.

Claymont, Del, Getty, $2.05.

Claymont, Del, Cumberland Farms, $2.03.

Claymont, Del., Gulf, $2.11.

Holly Oak, Del., Mobil, $2.07.

Penny Hill, Del., BP and Getty, $2.09.

Penny Hill, Del., Exxon, $2.11.



  1. Opie

    November 19, 2005 at 12:15 am

    Casey’s convenience store in Morton, Illinois had gasoline this week for $1.98 per gallon, the first time I’ve seen gas below $2 in months.

    My Little Gas Mileage Survey:
    I got 41.7 miles per gallon driving our new Toyota Prius from Decatur, IL to Sherman, IL tonight. 85% of the trip was on I-72 at 70 MPH.

  2. Frank

    November 19, 2005 at 8:43 pm

    In Cali, the prices seemed to be $.30 or so more than here in Delaware.

    And can your Prius pull a 2500 pound boat?

From Pine View Farm
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