From Pine View Farm

Sony Claims To Discontinue Rootkit 2

According to the Register, Sony is stopping production of CDs infected with a rootkit:

Sony BMG has said it will suspend production of audio ‘CDs’ that use XCP, the rootkit-style DRM developed by British company First4Internet Ltd. However the music giant refused to apologize for the software, which exposes PCs to malware and which can disable the PC’s CD drive when users try to remove the software.

Sony also declined to follow EMI’s example in September and recall CDs already in the retail channels.

But given their demonstrated underhanded willingness to sabotage their customers’ computers, can they be believed?



  1. Opie

    November 13, 2005 at 3:09 pm

    The Symantec angle of this story is particularly interesting to me. Frank, you know more about security than I do; is this the first instance where an anti-virus company has put out a patch to remove code that was installed by a supposedly legitimate company, as opposed to a clandestine hacker?

  2. Frank

    November 13, 2005 at 7:53 pm

    Most of what I know about computer security I learned on alt.comp.virus.

    But it’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing.

From Pine View Farm
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