Bush Fails New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Again. Or Is It “Still”? 0
While the administration can claim some clear progress, Bush’s ringing call from New Orleans’s Jackson Square on Sept. 15 to “do what it takes” to make the city rise from the waters has not been matched by action, critics at multiple levels of government say, resulting in a record that is largely incomplete as Bush heads into next week’s State of the Union address.
And this is a surprise how?
The current Federal Administration has proven itself willing to promise anything, then renege on the promise.
They say whatever they think will sound good at the time, then do not follow through.
They promise fiscal responsibility, and blow the lid off the deficit. They promise to put Bin Laden out of business, but can’t find him. They promise honesty . . . oh, never mind.
By this time, one either sees through him or not.