Rain, Reprise 0
Two and a half more inches in my rain gauge overnight, making a total of seven inches since Friday. Rivers cresting today. (Update, 6/30/2006: Here’s the actual crest times and heights.)
Brandywine Creek crested at about 2 p. m.. I took some pictures from Brandywine Park in Wilmington between 2:30 and 3:00 p. m.
Looking upstream towards the Washington Street bridge. The trees to the left center marks the normal bank.

Looking downstream towards the Market Street (US 13 business) bridge.

Well over the banks.

There! by the tree! See them? Picnic tables. And to the right, the “No Swimming” sign.

Oh, yeah, that’s the grill that goes with the picnic tables.

This little dam ain’t doin’ a damn thing any more.

No jogging on that trail today:

Looking upstream from the “Swinging Bridge” (it doesn’t swing anymore, but, at one time, it was a rope suspension bridge which struck fear into the hearts of children throughout Wilmington).

Looking downstream from the “Swinging Bridge” to the Washington Street Bridge:

With good reason, today. In minutes you’d end up in the Christina.