That Looks like My Box (Well, Except for the Charcoal) 3

All seriousness aside, I’m thinking it’s possible they disregarded or did not receive a warning from Dell. Early on after I purchased the box I’m using right now, I got an email from Dell stating that there were problems with certain batteries from a particular vendor. Being rather paranoid about computers blowing up, I checked my battery and found it did not bear the suspect model numbers.
Might still take it out when I’m on AC, though . . . .
August 1, 2006 at 8:49 am
Just another reason for me to stick with my desktop model!
August 1, 2006 at 7:50 pm
(grin) Next time you get sent on a business trip, try packing that up and taking it with you.
My company, in fact, now defaults to laptops, unless someone demands a desktop.
August 2, 2006 at 8:37 am
Since we work from the home, I don’t see travel as a big issue. I watched my daughter with hers when they were here, it appeared to be too much trouble. She had no trouble though. But then, she’s more comfortable with that kind of thing than I am.