From Pine View Farm

And They Don’t Even Know Me 3

According the quiz, this is me:

Your ‘Do You Want the Terrorists to Win’ Score: 100%


You are a terrorist-loving, Bush-bashing, “blame America first”-crowd traitor. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms. By all counts you are a liberal, and as such cleary desire the terrorists to succeed and impose their harsh theocratic restrictions on us all. You are fit to be hung for treason! Luckily George Bush is tapping your internet connection and is now aware of your thought-crime. Have a nice day…. in Guantanamo!

Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

(with a tip to Phillybits)



  1. Phillybits

    December 5, 2006 at 5:17 pm

    Lol. You’re in bed with the turrists like me! Now if we can only convince Sir Oolius to re-take the test and try to answer honestly this time.

  2. Frank

    December 5, 2006 at 5:58 pm

    Hmmmm, wonder which question he got wrong?

  3. Phillybits

    December 5, 2006 at 7:21 pm

    Probably the one about questioning Bush.
