From Pine View Farm

New Toy 4

I finally got a decent radio for my little yellow truck. It’s a Cobra.




  1. Phillybits

    March 12, 2007 at 9:38 pm

    Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! But does it have upper and lower sideband, a noise cancelling echo roger-beep mike, a K40 antenna (since it’s mobile), and perhaps a 40w or so mobile solid-state linear amp that’ll definetley increase your power but probably still manage to keep you out of the FCC’s hair if you know what you’re doing??

    Heh. Yeah, if you couldn’t tell, CB is an ooolllddd hobby of mine, back from my teens (I know, not too long ago really) when I had probably 8 radios, including some older 23 channel models, two bases stations, a couple mobiles, and some handhelds.

    I never had a chance to get the Galaxy base station or the beam antenna with a high power linear that I always wanted but…

    Then again, hopefully I’m not talking to deaf ears and you have a little more understanding about this than I’m simply assuming you already do.

  2. Phillybits

    March 12, 2007 at 9:44 pm

    P.S. – $40 more bucks woulda gotten you 3x the power (12w) throughout an additional 80 channels of single side band.

    ‘Course it’s never too late to really take a big step and go with a Galaxy. LOL!

  3. Opie

    March 12, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    Oh come on, Frank… go pass your test, get your ham license and get a real radio!

  4. Frank

    March 13, 2007 at 7:43 am

    A ham radio would be great for talking to Tierra del Fuego, but it’s not going to help me learn about the accident two miles ahead of me.

    There have actually been a couple of times that I remember vividly when the CB kept me out of an accident–one around a turn and one over a bridge ahead of me.

    I’m probably one of the few CB users left who has real FCC issued call letters and knows what they are: KDF9370.


    A Galaxy wasn’t on display at the store I was killing time in while my truck was being serviced.


    I have toyed with the notion of getting a ham radio, but, then, I wonder, when would I find the time to computer?