This website does not track you.
It contains no private information. It does not drop persistent cookies, does not collect data other than incoming ip addresses and page views (the internet is a public place), and certainly does not collect and sell your information to others.
Some sites that I link to may try to track you, but that's between you and them, not you and me.
I do collect statistics, but I use a simple stand-alone Wordpress plugin, not third-party services such as Google Analitics over which I have no control.
Finally, this is website is a hobby. It's a hobby in which I am deeply invested, about which I care deeply, and which has enabled me to learn a lot about computers and computing, but it is still ultimately an avocation, not a vocation; it is certainly not a money-making enterprise (unless you click the "Donate" button--go ahead, you can be the first!).
I appreciate your visiting this site, and I desire not to violate your trust.
April 20, 2007 at 8:09 am
you can find me at
my boss is giving me some heat so I am laying low on my site for a while but you will find me over there.
thanks for the compliment though I may pop up somewhere else with a different name, if so I will let you know.
April 20, 2007 at 8:47 am
One of the news talk shows reported that he “couldn’t recall” 79 times. 45 before their lunch break!
April 20, 2007 at 7:54 pm
Karen, another one is getting ready to bite the dust. I am coming to the belief that persons who don’t believe in government cannot govern well.
And, regardless of my disagreement with many aspects of conservative beliefs, it’s a damned shame that these folks have betrayed honest conservatives so badly.
I could go on. But I won’t, because I just can’t find the right words.