From Pine View Farm

Tongue-Tied 2

From a commentor at one of Gene Weingarten’s chats:

I will add to your list that I want a President who can speak without seeming like it takes every amount of energy he has in his body and brain to get the words out. Being a great aurator may not be the best qualification for President but since I watch a lot of speeches its important to me. Bush seems like every time he takes the podium he may collapse under the weight and brutal sheer agony of just having to mouth the English language.

Who referred to this:



  1. Opie

    August 21, 2007 at 1:01 am

    That’s just the height of liberal condescension and arrogance. Bush is conservative, male, Southern and Christian, and so people like this commenter place themselves intellectually above him.

    Maybe the moron will trip over a dictionary and realize “aurator” is not a word.

  2. Bill

    August 21, 2007 at 4:26 pm

    Seems like rather “mean-spirited” comments to me. Oh, wait…sorry about that. Only conservatives and Republicans can be mean-spirited.