Near Death Experience 1
No, I didn’t leave my body and float above it.
I nearly died.
I’m driving down Delaware 1 past Dover Air Force Base, admiring the flight line of C-5s. It was raining heavily off and on all morning.
I’m in the left lane. There’s a van in the right lane two car lengths ahead of me.
And suddenly the world disappeared.
Muddy water covered my windshield for at least two seconds.
I could not see anything through the windshield.
Fortunately, the road is straight at that point. I backed off the exhilerater and just hung on.
I was still shaking when I got to the cooling tower place 20 minutes later.
All I can guess is that the van hit a patch of standing water and splashed me out.
November 15, 2007 at 3:26 pm
That always scared the hell out of me.