Milestones 0
A couple of weeks ago, I found my copy of Green and Gold. That was the directory of incoming freshmen that rising sophomores at my college prepared. We freshman received it when we arrived for orientation.
Second Son was looking at it yesterday. One thing he remarked on (in addition to the freaky haircuts and funny clothes you will see in high school senior portraits from the late 1960’s) was the very small number of black persons, maybe three or four–we called them “colored” or “Negroes” back then–in the incoming class of about 700
I pointed out to him that, just a few years before, the college had been all white.
Fortunately, he is from a new generation. He doesn’t care about color.
Will Bunch’s post on Senator Obama’s achievement is just too good–and for those or us who lived through it, black, white, yellow, red, or purple, too true–to ignore.
Addendum, a Few Minutes Later:
Dick Polman has more: