From Pine View Farm

Oh, Noes 0

In Maryland, State Troopers to obey speed limits. What’s the world coming to?

State troopers will only be allowed to exceed the posted speed limit in nonlife-threatening situations if authorized by a supervisor at the barrack, said Sgt. Arthur Betts, a spokesman for the state police.


We’ll see.

Aside: I have known a lot of police officers. Almost all of them have been good, decent persons. The percentage of good, decent persons in policing is a lot higher than the percentage of good decent persons in, say, the hedge fund or investment banking industry.

And they spend their working lives wading through the dregs of humanity.

Nevertheless, I’m sure I’m not the only person who finds it frustrating when an officer cruises down the road “keeping pace with the traffic” (that is, going 10 mph over the speed limit) one day and issues tickets for regular drivers who do the same thing the next day.


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