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December 16, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Her last name? Image and the Kennedy name equal electability.
Few voters consider unrelated details such as qualifications and positions on various issues.
December 16, 2008 at 4:44 pm
I understand that every Kennedy since President Kennedy has been accused of trading on the family name, but Robert and Ted turned out to be extremely competent (aside for the RFK stabbing Gene McCarthy in the back episode). But at least they ran for office on their own and allowed the voters to decide whether they deserved a chance.
By all reports, she is very capable, has done good things, and kept her nose clean.
So have I. So have you.
Doesn’t make me qualified for the Senate (not that I would want the job–I’m too lazy).
December 17, 2008 at 4:54 pm
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg is no more qualified to be a senator than Sarah Palin was (or is) qualified to be vice president or president. (Nothing to do with politics or liberal v. conservative but everything to do with qualifications.) Senate seats should have to be earned and not simply “asked for.”
I have 33+ years of government experience and I’m not sure that qualifies me to serve as a senator. But my experience is more relevant than serving on the board of directors of nonprofits and being the honorary chairman of the American Ballet Theatre. Serving in the Senate should not an entitlement, although I’m beginning to wonder…
Personally, I’ve had enough of the Bush/Clinton/Kennedy dynasties. The Constitution of the United States prohibits the granting of nobility. Apparently not everyone has gotten that message.