From Pine View Farm

“Pardon?” (Updated) 0

Josh Marshall looks deeper into the Toussie almost-a-pardon. He has his doubts:

Needless to say, I’m not an attorney or a constitutional expert. But I’ve seen few if any press write-ups with quotes from people with relevant expertise who say the president is actually able to do this. And my discussions with people with relevant expertise give me the strong impression that the president’s action is highly dubious in constitutional terms, even if no Court case has specifically addressed this combination of facts.

Using “Bush” and “highly dubious in constitutional terms” in the same sentence. NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!

Addendum, the Next E-ve-ning:

Josh has more strengthening the case that Toussie may be able to hang on to his pardon.

Typical Bushie incompetence. No. Strike that.

A new high in incompetence, even for the Bushies.

And they’ve set a high bar in that field of endeavor.

H/T Karen for the link.


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From Pine View Farm
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