February, 2009 archive
Stereotypes: Blast from the Past Dept. 0
I mentioned the “Watermelon Mayor” here. (By the way, he’s resigned as mayor.)
If you just don’t get what the fuss was about, read this.
Oh, heck. Read it anyway. It’s worth three minutes of your time.
Motherhood 0
I’ve pretty much stayed away from Nadya Suleman except for one drive-by post, but, honest to Pete, this is worth reading. (This blog lives up to its name.)
Handicapping the Ponies 1
Before you bet on the ponies, you gotta read the Racing Form.
Stray Thought 2
If my insurance was with an incompetent, bankrupt company, I’d look elsewhere also.
(The good news is that none of my insurance companies are in the news.)
Oh, for Pete’s Sake 0
It’s a dog; it’s not a symbol.
On Maturation 0
When I was 13, I was conservative too, like this young ‘un.
All the white folks around me considered themselves conservative, and, ultimately, Goldwater swept the county.
Why? They were horribly afraid that the evil Democrats were going to end Our Way of Life: Jim Crow segregation. There was other reasons also, but that was the the main one. And, remember, this was in a part of the South where the outward trappings of segregation were nowhere near as brutal as they were in parts of the Deep South.
What happened?
“Pay for Performance” 0
On the other side of the Big Pond (for perspective, one pound UK = a little less than one and a half dollars US):
The Booman reminds us of what tax rates used to be.
Note that he is not recommending returning to Eisenhower-era marginal tax rates; he is simply giving his other comments some perspective.
Nevertheless, this passage–almost an aside in the context of his larger article–illustrates why Republican Economic Theory (AKA the Laughable Curve), the theory that the cure-all for society’s ills is to make the rich richer, fails. The theory denies human nature.
The money doesn’t trickle down; it trickles out:
Making the Rich Richer (Well, Maybe Not Any More), and Shafting the Poor 1
It’s the Republican way.
If they can’t make the rich richer, they will still shaft the poor.
This is not a commentary on the stimulus bill. Whether it will undo the damage of years of Republican rule is still a great unknown.
Rather, this points out what this kerfuffle reveals about Republicanism.
Deadender Republican Governors are talking about rejecting portions of the stimulus bill.
Not surprisingly, the portions they are talking about rejecting are the portions designed to help the unemployed.
Nothing better shows that the Republican Party does not care about working–or in this case, out-of-working–persons who are in that condition because of Republican Economic Theory.
John Cole sums it up.
The Republican Party–The Party of Privilege since 1868. A pox on the lot of ’em.
Swift Booting Jindal 0
Jon Swift discusses reaction to his recent post, which I discussed here. A nugget:
Not That I Would Have Had an Opportunity to Fly Them Anyway . . . 0
This Week’s Dustbiters 0
Not getting no more toasters from these folks. They’ve been nationalized and given to someone else.
You can bank on it.
Beats Selling Plasma 3
The days of the little match girl appear to have succumbed to invitro fertilization.
Now it’s big match girls:
“Masters of the Universe” 0
’nuff said:
The grim results compared to a $575 million profit during the fourth quarter of 2007.
Hilzoy has a thought (Via Andrew Sullivan).
BogusBonus worthy.
Jindal Bells 3
Well, that was quick.
“Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”
With apologies to John Donne.
Via TPM.
“First Nationalized Bank” 1
I ask again, should I just make my next mortgage payment payable to the United States Treasury:
And I still want the bozos that ran Citi into the ground to top out at a GS-15 pay rate (under “pay for performance,” they wouldn’t qualify for GS-5).
Stray Thought 0
“Reality television” is to today as dance marathons were to the 1930s.