February, 2009 archive
Translations 0
For “bipartisan politics” to work, both (“bi” means two, after all) parties must be willing to participate.
I have addressed this before.
Contemporary Republicanism is not only morally, ideologically, and philosophically bankrupt–a demonstrably failed ideology (don’t believe me? Go here) which clouds its failures with the smokescreen of “family values” while concomitantly demonstrating a creepy fascination with the sexual behavior of others (why don’t they just a watch a porno, for heaven’s sake)–it is also so doctrinaire as to be incapable, not just of compromise, but of admitting any other points of view.
Members of the Democratic Party have repeatedly allowed themselves to think that, when Republicans spoke of “bipartisanship,” they meant “cooperation and compromise,” when they meant, instead, “our way or the highway.” My fellow members of Left Blogistan tend to go–how shall I put this?–off their nuts when the Democrats do this.
(It is difficult to keep from typing, “Democrats have dealt in good faith; Republicans have not.” Oops.)
This sums it up (emphasis added):
The fundamental flaw in clamoring for a bipartisan process in light of the above is the erroneous belief that the fruit of any open-handed endeavor is necessarily a bipartisan (and universally acceptable) solution. One need only look in the rear view mirror to disprove such a naive notion. It has been the most bipartisan of processes that have sprung forth the most odious and partisan results.
There is no cooperation and compromise with those who will neither cooperate nor compromise.
It is to Mr. Obama’s credit that he tries. By doing so, he allows the Republican Party to reveal the divergence between its words and its deeds.
Oh, yeah, and there is a word for a “divergence between words and deeds.”
The Vitter Truth 0
Money quote: “I might be a porn star, but at least i haven’t done anything illegal.”
At least she’s honest about doing it for the money.
Via Brendan.
The Republican Capacity for Delusional Behavior 0
The lies do get tiresome after a while.
Whether they are lying to themselves or to others or, more likely, to both themselves and others, the lies, misrepresentations, and half-truths do still get tiresome.
Bushonomics: The Hangover 0
The direct result of the Republican Economic Policy of non- and deregulation and their deluded belief that those pursuing tons of money will ipso facto conclude that acting responsibly and morally is in their and society’s financial best interest:
Sales are down 8.6% in the past year, the industry trade group reported. The sales pace in December went unrevised at a 4.74 million annual rate.
It was like pulling the cops off the street and trusting drivers not to drive recklessly. Most drivers will not drive recklessly (many do not drive competently, but that’s another issue).
The ones that do drive recklessly cause horrible damage, especially when they are driving overloaded semis with bad brakes.
Like Citigroup and Bank of America.
Perspective 0
One of the nice things about listening to the BBC News Hour is being continually reminded that TWIAVBP.
The show was 22 minutes old before they got to Mr. Obama’s speech.
Serendipity 0
When I went to DL last night, I actually found a parking space on Chestnut almost right in front of the bar venue.
With 45 minutes left on the meter.
Metered parking in that area on Chestnut is eight minutes per quarter (still cheaper than the lots).
As one of my DL friends remarked, the previous parker must have been a tourist.
As anyone who watched Parking Wars knows, Philadelphians don’t do meters. Or park legally. (And you thought the show was about the exceptions, didn’t you?)
What a Hoot! 0
Following up to this post, the Newark, Del., Hooters got a license on condition that there be no “Bike Nights” and no “Lingerie Nights.”
Now, where are all those middle-aged men with the Harleys and the fake pony tails going to go?
Aside: I once saw “lingerie” defined as something you think you can see through, but you can’t.
Speaking of Republicans Making Stuff Up 0
Mother of all coincidences. This came in from FactCheck dot org even as I typed the previous post (q. v.). As always, follow the link for detailed analysis:
- It’s not true that the bill contains spending for “golf carts.” It has $300 million to buy fuel-efficient vehicles, some of which may be electric cart-like utility vehicles like those already in use on military bases and at other government facilities.
- Money claimed to be for “remodeled federal offices” is mostly designated for upgrading buildings to “green” status through such things as thicker insulation and highly efficient lighting, not new drapes or paneling.
- A widely repeated claim that $8 billion is set aside for a “levitating train” to Disneyland is untrue. That total is for unspecified high-speed rail projects, and some of it may or may not end up going to a proposed 300-mph “maglev” train connecting Anaheim, Calif., with Las Vegas.
- There’s no money in the bill specified for butterfly parks, Frisbee golf courses or water slides, despite a GOP congressman’s claim that the bill “will fund” those projects. He culled those silly-sounding items from a list of 18,750 city projects that the U.S. Conference of Mayors cobbled together as examples of “shovel-ready” projects.
Don’t look to us to defend any particular item in the bill, or to criticize it. We will, however, call out politicians for delivering trumped-up descriptions of the bill’s contents.
You Can’t Be Bipartisan with Partisans 0
From the Democratic Daily, on why President Obama’s attempt to foster bipartisan solutions hasn’t worked:
Republicans have turned on Obama, as expected, but, in so doing, they have sided against the American people. They will end up paying dearly in the end.
One can hope.
Afterthought: The Republican Party lives in a phony world divorced from psychological, economic, or historical reality.
Being sincere about it (to the extent that they are) doesn’t make their world any less phony.
One measure of the sincerity of their beliefs, I reckon, is the extent to which they lie make stuff up.
Video via D-Day.
Your Tax Dollars at Work 0
Emphasis added. Nothing else needs added:
“He is a victim who has suffered more than any human being should ever suffer,” said Clive Stafford Smith, one of Mohamed’s lawyers. “He just wants to go somewhere very quiet and try to recover.”
Analogies 0
John Cole on the Republican Party and the stimulus bill (emphasis added):
Put another way, it isn’t just dishonest, it is offensive. Having the party of Bush lecture you about out of control spending is like having a heroin addict chide you for putting too much sugar in your coffee.
The Free Hand of the Market 0
Why didn’t the free and unfettered market sort this out?
The syringes contained Heparin, a blood thinner, and saline, and were recalled in December 2007 after an outbreak of illnesses. Health inspectors identified bacterial infections in Colorado, Texas, Illinois and Florida.
Oh. I forgot. It did.
According to the lead (and, dammit, it’s “lead,” not “lede”) for the story (follow the link), not steriziling the syringes was a “cost-cutting move.”
Pay for Performance 0
Citibank falls for the Nigerian scam. Yes, it actually tried to wire the money to the scammers. It only got off because the transfer didn’t go through due to a typo.
Definitely bonus-worthy.
The scheme fell apart when the target banks could not process the transactions. At that point, either Citibank or the target bank attempted to contact the Bank of Ethiopia, which could not verify the transactions as valid. A warrant for Mr. Amos was issued; the man was arrested last month when he attempted to enter the US. The FBI, Citibank, and Ethiopia are obviously pleased with having caught the theft-in-progress, the ringleader is now in jail, and Citibank returned the complete amount of money that had been transferred from the National Bank of Ethiopia.
Via GNC.