March, 2009 archive
Twits on Twitter. Twits All over the World. 0
Hear the founders of Twitter interviewed here. On second thought, don’t bother. I listened to it so you don’t have to. It helped pass the time while I was picking up winter detritus from my yard.
Via Huffington Post.
The Whole Damn Lot of Them Would Look Good in Orange 0
Like this guy:
Only, instead of getting a federal government bailout, Andrew Yao’s story ends today with his reporting to federal prison to begin serving a six-year sentence on a dozen charges including bankruptcy fraud, wire fraud and making false statements.
The demise of Student Finance Corp. in Newark and the subsequent federal prosecution of Yao, its president and sole shareholder, was a cautionary tale that no one realized or understood was the shape of things to come.
Another quote from the article, from the pictures on the sidebar:
James Butkiewicz, professor of economics at the University of Delaware, says initiating loans and almost immediately selling them off created an incentive for companies to make as many loans as possible, no matter how bad, because someone else would be taking the risk
Consensus 0
It is really difficult to disagree with this.
Bad stuff doesn’t just happen. Well, some bad stuff just happens. If you’re standing under a tree when a branch breaks off and lands on your head, you could argue that that “just happened.”
My pastor recently said that, when persons ask him, “Why did God do [this or that bad thing]?” he responds with, “God did not [take your child from you/lead your husband to drive off the road/whatever}. Some things just happen because we live in a physical world. And some things happen because God gave humanity free will, and, with free will comes the the ability to make the wrong choices.”
Whether or not you or I agree with him theologically is no matter. Here’s the crux:
These folks made wrong choices. They made wrong choices to pay for their multiple McMansions, their Bentleys, their private clubs, their gold-encrusted Dixie cups. They sold financial good sense and personal integrity for pieces of silver.
And they do not realize it. They still think they are Masters of the Universe–victims, not victimizers.
Let their wrong choices confront them in every airline first class lounge, on every street corner, in every dream.
Drink Liberally 0
Eating and drinking with persons who can recognize reality when they experience it helps one deal with wingnuttery.
Triumph Brewing Company, 119 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa., Tuesdays, 6 p. m. If you can’t take SEPTA and can’t find street parking on Chestnut, there’s plenty of parking on Front, at least until the weather gets good.
As Glomarization says, “Come for the beer. Stay for the check.”
Aside: One thing I have realized through my DL experience:
I love Philadelphia.
It is a great city. And it doesn’t know it.
Some Things I Don’t Want To Know 2
I have one, so the last show I would want to watch is The Secret Life of the American Teenager.
Light Bloggery (Updated) 0
Upgrading the OS on the laptop.
I wasn’t able to get my Favorite LInux Distro on the box. Slackware is a three-CD set and, after the first CD ran, the CD drive opened and would not remount for the next CD.
This is definitely a hardware problem. The Slackware CDs have been tested in another machine.
The CD drive in this box has been acting weird for over a year. Sometimes it mounts and sometimes Dell throws a message that it “cannot detect the device in the modular bay blah blah blah.” Pressing the CD drive more tightly into the machine and rebooting solves the problem.
I’m not springing for a new CD drive for an almost-five-year-old laptop.
So I went with the Debian web install, which is a one-CD install, but pulls down three CD’s worth of software.
I’m now running Debian 5 with Gnome. Debian, like Slack, is a rock-solid distro that just works. It does not have Slackware’s elegant simplicity, but, what the heck.
It was tough fight, but I wrestled the computer into submission. (I always do.)
The firewall is working, the AV is working, the network is working, the theme is configured to my liking, and Opera (which includes my email database) and Pan have been restored from backup. Total time from install boot to full functionality: Two hours.
Gag Me with a Spoon 0
Republicans are hypocritical liars.
“The bureau of public debt is telling us that the federal government is going to have to borrow four times as much as we ever have in the history of our country in a single year,” Ryan said.
And where was he when Bush–oh, never mind. You know the history.
Comment Rescue: Credit Where Credit Is No More 2
Bill points out in the comments to this post that corporate credit unions are going under.
Bloomberg has more. These are the first “corporate credit unions” to fail since 1995, according to the story.
I’m having difficulty finding a clear definition (that means that I’ve googled for more than 10 seconds) of a “corporate credit union” as opposed to a run-of-the-mill credit union, but Bloomberg says that corporate credit unions “make loans and provide other services for the retail credit unions that cater to the public.” It could be that
credit union:corporate credit union::insurer:reinsurer
Anyway, here’s the citation from Bloomberg.
U.S. Central Corporate Federal Credit Union, in Lenexa, Kansas, and Western Corporate Federal Credit Union in San Dimas, California, were put into conservatorship, the regulator said in a statement. The credit unions failed so-called stress tests that found an “unacceptably high concentration of risk” from mortgage-backed securities, the agency said.
I find the sentence that the “credit unions failed so-called stress tests” interesting.
Does it imply that these seizures were preemptive, or, at least, more preemptive than most seizures?
The MarketWatch story is here.
Dustbiters 2
One down . . .
FirstCity Bank, Stockbridge, GA
More to go.
Teambank, National Association, Paola, Kansas
Colorado National Bank, Colorado Springs, Colorado
But, no doubt, they knew better than we. After all, they are Bankers.
What He Said 0
Ed at Instaputz, that is, discussing the move to retroactively tax AIG’s and others’ stupid, empty-headed, take it while we can and to-hell-with-morality-and-ethics bonuses:
The issues here are not to be addressed under civil law.
What’s To Come 0
Bill Shein turns serious to consider possible outcome of the current panic. A nugget:
Because if we are honest, we’ll see that modern consumer capitalism has become a cruel, manipulative, soul-destroying system that commits psychic violence on each of us – most notably our children – by nurturing self-doubt and mental confusion and unnecessary anxiety and regret. All in the name of “moving product.”
Collusion (Updated) 0
I tend to believe this, the Occam’s Razor of conspiracy theories:
Never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity.
Rolling Stone has another take:
The whole article is worth it. It’s sprinkled with gems like this:
AIG is what happens when short, bald managers of otherwise boring financial bureaucracies start seeing Brad Pitt in the mirror.
H/T Alison for the link.
TPMMuckraker has a history of AIG Financial Products.
On False Dignificationizing 2
Matthew Paris is on the BBC on Marconi’s Magic Box telling me that it is demeaning for a Head of State to go on a television “chat” show.
I don’t care one way or the other whether Mr. Obama went on Jay Leno’s show, but I do think one of the problems in our society is the tendency to act as if leaders, whether in business, politics, or other realms, are gods.
Conspicuous Consumption in Greenwich, Connecticut 0
Well, not any more.
And not in Fairfield, Wilton, and Trumbull either.
H/T Alison for the second link.
Pay for Performance 0
D-Day takes a look at the corporate bonus culture:
The reasoning in the corporate boardrooms is actually pretty simpleminded:
1. I am the CEO/CFO/whatever.
2. I therefore must be a Master of the Universe.
3. I therefore am entitled to All that I Can Get.
They believe this reasoning even as the facts–all those arrows slanting downward to the right on all those charts–the facts of the business show that they couldn’t tie someone in a game of tic-tac-toe without phenomenal luck and chicanery.
Those who complain about an “entitlement society” are looking in the wrong direction. The sense of entitlement is not walking on the streets, not pumping gas in service stations nor building product in factories, not helping customers on the sales floor, not in the Bushie breadlines.
The sense of entitlement is in empty suits in fancy offices on the top floors of all those buildings in the center of town.
“When the Lights Go on, All over the World . . .” 0
John Cole. Read the last paragraph. It’s called “vicarious learning.”