From Pine View Farm

Proctoscopic 0

Are Republicans really that stupid, or do they just think we are that stupid. Senator Imhoff, R-Landrush, extoling the virtues of indefinite captivity:

“Anyone, any detainee over 55 has an opportunity to have a colonoscopy. Now none of them take ’em up on it because once they explain what it is none of them want to do it. But nonetheless its an opportunity that they have.”

A Pome, not by Henry Gibson:

Ode To Tropical Breeze Colonoscopies
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I’m moving to Gitmo real soon
Cuz I’m told inmate health care’s a boon.
Colonoscopies free
After fifty-five. Whee!
So please lock me up, Sen. Buffoon!

Follow the link for more Mad Kane.


All joking aside, the good Senator’s remark betrays a casual cruelty that is actually rather appalling.


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