From Pine View Farm

The Ideology of Fantastickal Thinking 0

The United States can, from time to time, influence events in other countries, though the Bush Reign of Error has greatly weakened that influence.

One of the delusions of wingnut thinking is that the United States can somehow control–not influence, control–the world and every little thing that happens therein.

It can’t.

Winguttery is as absurb as Communism in its faith that Utopia will come simply because its theory says that Utopia will come. It is absurd as my asserting that a flower will grow out of my head simply because I believe a flower will grow out of my head. Even granting that my head my be full of manure, it still ain’t growing no flowers (at least not while I am alive to see them). For the very theory is flowed, being based on postulates that just ain’t so.

Witnesseth the delusion (follow the link for video):

Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, accused Barack Obama on Tuesday of allowing violence in Iran to get out of hand by not speaking out against the country’s leadership earlier.

What is happening in Iran is internal to Iran.

My first boss, Denny, who was a good boss, used to say that his own first boss was the best teacher he ever had.

Whenever Denny faced a quandary, he considered what his first boss would have done and did the exact opposite, leading to this analogy:

Republican Party:Decisions::Denny’s First Boss:Denny

Aside: I know what it feels like to be wrong; I’ve been wrong many times. But to know what it feels like to be wrong all the time and still be certain you’re right? Ask a wingnut.


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