From Pine View Farm

July, 2009 archive

Light Bloggery 0

Travel day.


Return of Beyond the Palin Meets the Editors 0

At Vanity Fair.

As the old song says, “Nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’.


Flip That House 0

The Sarasota, Florida, Herald-Tribune flips over the rocks and finds night creatures running for cover.

The year-long investigation found that more than 50,000 Florida properties flipped under suspicious circumstances from 2000 through 2008. Those flips artificially drove up housing prices and tax bills and contributed to the crush of foreclosures that has gutted the real estate market.

The fee hand of the market at work.

One more time, the flaw in the thinking of the idolaters of wealth is the belief that wealth means virtue and that the wealthy are therefore ipso facto virtuous.

Via Atrios.


Clash of the Titans 0

From Steve at ASZ:

Remember the scandal when AIG executives attended a retreat at the luxury resort St. Regis Monarch Beach last October? They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to entertain executives who had helped run the company into the ground, and taxpayers who helped bail out AIG were upset. Now the irony. CitiGroup, also a troubled company that accepted bailout dollars, has foreclosed on St. Regis Monarch Beach.


Seen on the Street 0

Bumper Sticker:

I’m a Pagan and I Vote.

I don’t think it was referring to the motorcycle gang.


California Reamin’ 0

Howard Jarvis finishes off California:

The agreement calls for cutting spending by $15 billion, including $6 billion from schools, $3 billion from colleges and $1.2 billion from prisons. Schools will be repaid $11 billion once the state’s economy turns around. It also raises $4 billion by in part accelerating personal and corporate income tax withholdings and increasing income tax withholding schedules by 10 percent.

It also calls for the state to divert more than $2 billion of tax receipts meant for local governments, redevelopment agencies and transportation districts. That money would be repaid with interest. Local governments could sell bonds backed by the promise of repayments. The agreement also shifts $1.5 billion between accounts to save money and moves the last payday for state workers in the current fiscal year into the next.


The “Shoot Me” State 0

As the comments point out, it’s not even made in America:

Mark Muller, the president of Max Motors in Missouri, is offering a gift certificate for a Kalashnikov AK-47 rifle to anyone who purchases a pick-up truck. Muller, whose business slogan is “God, Guns, Guts, and American Pick-Up Trucks,” said the response to the offer has been very strong. “There is a lot of worry about crime, we have a methamphetamine problem around here and people just want to protect themselves,” said Muller.


Fire in the Hold 0



Electronic Medical Records 0

Over at Hacker Public Radio, JaneDoc, a practicing pediatrician, talks about electronic medical records.

It’s a fascinating listen, not so much because of the “electronic” part, but because of the “medical records” part. In the course of discussing the topic, she describes why doctors ask some of the questions they ask, what they record of their “patient encounters,” and why they record it.

You can follow this link or listen here (mp3–approximately 20 minutes long).


“Pull Over, Mabel, There’s a Tree” 0

The new rage in Virginia: Texas Hold It.

State transportation officials decided last month to close 19 of the state’s 42 rest stops to help ease a $2.6 billion budget gap over the next six years. Each rest stop costs about $500,000 annually to operate.


Freedom of Speech Rules Out Freedom from Stupid 0

It is to be ashamed.

Congressman Castle inadvertently gives Birthers a platform.

The video of the June 30 town hall meeting on health care reform shows a woman toting an American flag and her own U.S. birth certificate asking why people are ignoring the president’s birth certificate. She said Obama is a citizen of Kenya, not the U.S.

The crowd applauded and cheered as she yelled, “I don’t want this flag to change! I want my country back!”

Castle, attempting to correct her, said, “If you’re referring to the president there, he is a citizen of the United States.”

If you want to see the video, follow the link to the news story. I decided not to embed it after inspecting the YouTude poster’s other offerings. We’re talking serious wingnut here.

If Mr. Obama were pink like me, this birther fantasy would be unimaginable–and unimagined.

You know it and I know it.


Let’s Not and Say We Did 0

(A month later) Whoops.

So much for abstinence only (emphasis added–note that the persons referred to in the bold type are those least likely to have independent resources for learning or indepedent financial resources for medical care):

The new CDC report notes that “Every effort was made to present the data in a consistent manner with regard to age groups, race/ethnicity, sex and geographic location,” leaving an explicit investigation of poverty out of the equation altogether – though its findings indicate that American teens whose race/ethnicity and/or geographic location suggest a greater likelihood of poverty are also the most likely demographic to have increased rates of unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Both pregnancy and Aids rates are higher among Hispanic and non-Hispanic black young women aged 15-19 than any other ethnic group. Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis were highest among non-Hispanic black young women and men aged 10-24. And the southern states “tend to have the highest rates of negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes, including early pregnancy and STDs.”

Abstinence may be effective in preventing unwanted births, but abstinence-only sex “education” is a fraud and a sham. It doesn’t educate, and it doesn’t prevent anything.

Anyone who believes that “education” based on leaving stuff out and ignoring reality actually educates anyone in anything lives in a fantasy world. Or in the Creation Museum. Same difference.


Pot. Kettle. Black. 1

The U.S. military is denouncing the release of a video of an American soldier held hostage by Taliban militants in Afghanistan, saying to use a soldier for propaganda purposes is against international law.

I suspect that, thanks to the Previous Federal Administration, this claim carries little weight.


Return of Beyond the Palin Meets the Archies 0

Bubble Gum

Via Bartblog.


We Need Single Payer 0

Walter Brasch at ASZ has summed up the case for action on health care quite eloquently. A nugget:

Marie Antoinette, contrary to popular opinion, never said a solution for the starving masses of revolutionary France in the late 18th century was, “Let them eat cake.” But, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) apparently said something close to it.

At a public meeting, one of Grassley’s constituents asked him, “Why is your insurance so much cheaper than my insurance and so much better than my insurance?” He then asked, “How come I can’t have the same thing you have?” Grassley’s response was a flip, “You can. Just go work for the federal government.” Grassley, who opposes universal health care, is happy with health care programs paid for with tax dollars and available for every member of Congress, all Congressional staffers, everyone in the executive and judicial branches, and the military and their families. He doesn’t even oppose Social Security and Medicare. He just doesn’t want the masses to have the same quality of medical care that Senators have.

That’s just the intro. It gets better. Follow the link. Read the whole thing.


Worth Every Penny 0

Click here.


Sotomayor &c. 0


The Republican bigotry fatigues one, but it seems to be all they know.


Stray Thought 0

Why do the persons who say we can’f afford a few billions for health care say that we must afford umpty-ump quadrillion to go to Mars?

(No, I’m not linking the Charles Krauthammer. I already have enough bad karma.)


RetroNews 0

Oliver Willis boards the time machine.


I Bet You Still Have To Change in Atlanta 0

Delta Air Lines Inc., based in Atlanta since 1941, is promoting itself as New York City’s “hometown carrier” with mojitos in Manhattan and sponsorships of the Yankees and Mets baseball teams.

Die and go to hell on Delta, you still have to change in Atlanta.
