From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Except, of course, for the random killings:

A Kansas City driver, Ian E. Jones, who cut off another driver after pulling out into traffic is the victim of road rage. He nearly caused an accident by pulling into traffic, but it wasn’t a car crash that led to his death. It was the fact that the man who Jones’ car cut off was packing, and in true vigilante fashion he exacted his own version of justice on the now deceased Mr. Jones for his crime of reckless driving and failure to yield the right of way. This unknown victim of Jones’ poor driving habits took out his gun and shot Jones — dead.

Death is a hell of a price to pay for failure to yield.

I’ve got nothing against guns. Hell, I like guns. I taught both my sons how to shoot (would’ve taught my daughters too, but the opportunities didn’t arise–everyone should know gun use and gun safety).

But the notion that a country full of hot-headed rubes packing heat will somehow enforce civility is dumber than reality TV.


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