From Pine View Farm

We Need Single Payer . . . 0

. . . not private armies of clerks:

American doctors and hospitals have to employ far more billing clerks than counterparts in, say, Germany or Canada, Princeton University health economist Uwe Reinhardt said.

“We have without any question the most complex, bureaucratic health system in the world. There is just no other nation that spends as much on paper and computers . . . just claims-processing. . . . To my mind, we get very little for that in terms of social value added.”

There is no way that a government system could be as bad as what we have.

Just think: social security recipients get their government checks on time; doctors don’t get the private insurance reimbursement on time.

But I forgot. Government officials don’t get country club memberships from the stockholders.

It is all about the insurance execs’ country club memberships.


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