From Pine View Farm

Life under the Regency 0

When the kids hit the streets because they don’t know enough to get a job, accompanied by retired teachers whose pensions have been shafted . . . .

The new state budget will result in $700 million less going to public schools over the next two years, including $177 million less in lottery funding, said Kent Dickey, assistant superintendent for finance with the state Department of Education.

The impact would have been more than a billion dollars if legislators hadn’t also cut the amount the state and localities have to contribute to teachers’ retirement plans, he said.

at least they will be able to relieve themselves.

Last month, the Commonwealth Transportation Board responded to Gov. Bob McDonnell’s call to reopen 19 closed rest areas by reversing its June 2009 decision to reduce the number of VDOT rest areas and welcome centers from 42 to 23.

Eighteen facilities closed in July 2009 and the final facility – the Interstate 66 West Manassas Welcome Center – closed in September in an effort to save $9 million annually as the agency grapples with a $4.6 billion revenue shortfall over the next six years.

A pissoir in the hand is worth a physics class in the bush.

Aside: My mother retired after two decades of teaching in Virginia (she went back to work after my brother and I reached high school). The pension check she gets is not very much at all.

If that and social security were all she had, she’d be on the street.

The blatherings of right-wingers who would have the citizenry believe that public employees get some kind of gold-plated retirement are gold-plated nonsense.


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