From Pine View Farm

Life under the Regency 2

Oh, this is sweet.

Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli, meet NBC News.

Via NotLarrySabato.



  1. Karen

    March 23, 2010 at 6:48 pm

    Ok, so the state’s population can’t have it, but he can fix it so that he & his can.

    Talk about a double standard.

    But that’s about typical.

  2. Frank

    March 23, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    There really is no better example of contemporary Republicanism.

    Nelson Rockefeller and Ev Dirksen and even Barry Goldwater must be turning over in their graves with embarrassment.

    Goldwater’s politics were pretty jerky, but, by God, he had integrity.  He applied the same standards to everyone, including himself.  That may be why his grandchildren endorsed Obama.

    Full Disclosure:  In 1964, I supported Goldwater.  I was 14 and the Democrats threatened Our Way of Life ™.

    Later, I grew up.

    But, as much as I came to disagree with his politics, I always respected Barry Goldwater as a person of integrity. He did not say this and do that.