From Pine View Farm

April, 2010 archive

All Shut Up, No Put Up 0

When challenged to make good on their obstructionism, Republicans fold.

A deal to proceed (on debating Financial Reform–ed.) came after Democrats threatened to keep the Senate in session all night to put pressure on Republicans. Minutes after an aide said cots would be set up for senators to sleep on, an agreement was announced.

Formal debate on the bill will begin at 12:15 p.m. (1615 GMT) on Thursday, said Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.

It’s about time the filibusterers were called on to actually filibuster.


From the Dept. of Etymology Dept.: “Filibusterer” is a corruption of “freebooter,” a synonym for brigand or pirate. From the Gnome Dictionary, the Webster’s 1913 definition:

A lawless military adventurer, especially one in quest of plunder; a freebooter; — originally applied to buccaneers infesting the Spanish American coasts, but introduced into common English to designate the followers of Lopez in his expedition to Cuba in 1851, and those of Walker in his expedition to Nicaragua, in 1855.

In quest of plunder.

’nuff said.


Imagine 0

Imagine that the teabaggers were black.

After I wrote this, but before it autoposted, Terrance DC published a long musing on just this topic.

Via JK at Balloon Juice.


Virginia Beach Needs This 0

Drill here. Drill now.

Nothing beats being visible from space.

Time is running out as a huge slick with a 600-mile (965-kilometer) circumference has moved within 21 miles of the ecologically fragile Louisiana coast despite favorable winds. Photos released by U.S. space agency NASA revealed the spread had become so great, it was visible from space.

Waldo Jaquith has more.


The Voter Fraud Frauds 0

Republicans pimp voter registrations:

Orange County authorities are launching an investigation into possible voter registration fraud after a local newspaper reported over a hundred cases of voters being tricked into registering as Republicans by petitioners who asked them to sign petitions for, among other causes, legalizing pot.

Unlike ACORN, which paid canvassers an hourly rate, the Republican Party was paying for piecework: $8.00 per registration.


Thank a Liberal 0


Hef May Have Saved the Sign . . . 0

The landmark (Hollywood sign–ed.) has been at the centre of a $12.5m (£8.1m) campaign to stop it being torn down to make room for property development in the surrounding area. Playboy owner Hefner stepped in with a $900,000 donation that means the 138-acre site around the sign will now be protected.

. . . but I suspect that no one can stop the stupid.


Trying To Get By 0

Steve Almond tells of living in El Paso and watching persons from Juarez “commute” to work every day by wading across the Rio Grande in the morning, then wading back home the next day. He contrasts what he observed with harsh rhetoric of the anti-immigration folks and concludes:

Most of all, I’d suggest to those who trumpet the alleged evils of undocumented workers to spend some time in cities like El Paso and Juarez.

What they’d discover is an ancient and enduring truth: immigration is not about spreading evil. It’s about poor people seeking to become less poor. It is about the very human beings whose honest labors built our nation, and whose dreams honor its most sacred tenets.

Cookie Jill points out that

brown skinned people didn’t take away your job



But the Book 0

More here.


Brand Spanking Repulsive 0

I do not creep out easily.

This report from Field creeps me out.


Driving While Brown 0

Tony Norman, writing at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, discusses Arizona’s xenophobia. A nugget:

Right-wingers complain about creeping fascism all the time, yet there has been no bigger example of a drift toward tyranny and the police state than this stupid, race-coded legislation. We should all be outraged.

By the way, injustice rarely stops at well-defined borders of race or class once it gets rolling. One day, someone is going to ask us all for our respective papers. Consider this a down payment.

Clarence Page draws on his experiences to anticipate life in Arizona:

I had a taste of what that was like in the 1970s as a black American reporter during South Africa’s apartheid regime. The white-minority government’s “influx control” policy required all black South Africans to carry a photo-ID “passbook” in urban areas to prevent a deluge of black Africans from flooding in to areas where the jobs were. Sound familiar?

My American passport came in handy on a Johannesburg street when an Afrikaner police officer said “Wys my jou paspoort.” (Show me your passport.) I was strolling-while-black. He didn’t need any more reasonable suspicion than that.

My views haven’t changed.

This is an evil law that reveals the worst aspects of the American character: bigotry, prejudice, xenophobia, hatred, and racism, just to mention a few.

This is a must watch:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

John Stewart via TPM.



Ulysses Grant, from the Quotemaster:

Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true.


Voting Is Not a Right. It Is a Duty. 1

John Cole forgets how to mince words.

I’m keeping this at the top of the page, because he said it better than I could.

Read more »


Goldman Sachs Meets the Black Pearl 0

The Borowitz Report:

Eleven indicted Somali pirates dropped a bombshell in a U.S. court today, revealing that their entire piracy operation is a subsidiary of banking giant Goldman Sachs.

There was an audible gasp in the courtroom when the leader of the pirates announced, “We are doing God’s work. We work for Lloyd Blankfein.”

More at the link.


“When the Earth Moves Again” Reprise 0


“To Create a Modern, Independent Republic of White Men” 0

Radio Times looks at the history of the Confederate States of America and its symbolism in contemporary American politics.

Natch, the Regent’s ignoring black folks was the lead in to the discussion. . . .

From the website:

We’re coming into the 150th anniversary of the American South’s first organized attempt to secede from the Union. Our guest, University of Pennsylvania professor of history STEPHANIE McCURRY, looks at the Confederate War through the experience of the South’s women and slave struggles in her new book, Confederate Reckoning. We’ll talk to her about how women and slaves influenced the demise of the Confederacy, including how they took on the Jefferson Davis government on government enlistment, and tax and welfare policies.

Follow the link to the website to listen or listen here (mp3).


“When the Earth Moves Again . . . .” 0

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Boobquake Day Causes Earthquake
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox News

The probabilities are analyzed here.


Goldman Sacks 0

Shifty answers:

Via Atrios, who points out in a subsequent post

Some day I hope more people realize that large segments of our economy don’t actually do anything (health insurance, much of finance/real estate), they simply position themselves in the middle of transactions and take their cut. That isn’t to say there are no transactions which legitimately require skilled middlemen, or that there is no legitimate function for the finance and banking industries, but to a great degree the skimmers just don’t do anything productive at all. Except take our money.


How Far Back? 0

TerranceDC wonders how far back the Teabaggers actually want to take the country. A nugget:

Years ago, long before I stumbled into blogging, I got into a discussion/argument with a conservative about their penchant for returning to the “good old days,” and pointed out that (borrowing a line from Billy Joel) “the good old days weren’t always good” for everybody. My opponent argued that we could return to those days and “make them good for everybody.” It seemed impossible then, and it seems even more so now.

I guessed that period was probably the 1950s – when (the great, white) father knew best, and everybody else knew their place; women in the kitchen, gays in the closet, blacks in the back of the bus, etc. In my defense, I got that idea from some conservatives.

It turns out I was way off. I didn’t go back far enough. Not nearly.

Follow the link to find out how far back.


Ferry Dust 0

When I lived in Northern Virginia and traveled home to Pine View Farm, I would occasionally detour to take the Whitehaven Ferry on a nice summer day. A ferry has been operating at that spot for three centuries.

It was only a two minute boat ride; the side trip added a total of about 15 minutes to the 3 1/2 or four hour drive; and the jaunt through the Maryland countryside was quite relaxing after fighting the insane beach traffic on US 50.

Now it’s threatened.


Bachmann Turnip Overdrive 0

Distilled wingnut, by Sara Benincasa:

Via TPM.
