From Pine View Farm

A Modest Proposal 0

Writing at the Guardian, Peter Wilby discusses Warren Buffet’s and Bill Gates’s efforts to persuade billionaires to give away the bulk of their fortunes upon demise. While applauding their efforts,* he suggests

If the rich really wish to create a better world, they can sign another pledge: to pay their taxes on time and in full; to stop lobbying against taxation and regulation; to avoid creating monopolies; to give their employees better wages, pensions, job protection and working conditions; to make goods and use production methods that don’t kill or maim or damage the environment or make people ill. When they put their names to that, there will be occasion not just for applause but for street parties.

Never happen.


*The efforts are worthy of applause. Whatever you may think of how they got rich–and I have no love of Microsoft’s business practices, which can best be summarized as “copy, co-opt, and crush“–Buffet and Gates both seem determined to use their riches to accomplish something more than more riches.


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