From Pine View Farm

This Is Just Nuts (Updated) 2

Not to mention bad judgment. (I don’t know how the last line of the story slipped by the editors.)


The Smoking Gun has a picture.



  1. Stacy

    September 30, 2010 at 9:16 am

    OK, that last line made me giggle. Not too loud, I’m at work.
    I can just see it. Some cut up in the newsroom wondered out loud, “were they new or used?”. Someone else is like, “well now you know that would be good to know. Kinda gives it a pervy edge.” And thus we get an AP news story with the line : “It was unclear if the condoms were new or used.”

  2. Frank

    September 30, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    How he could have imagined that no one would complain is beyond me.


From Pine View Farm
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