From Pine View Farm

“Can’t Do” Republicans 1

New Jersey Republican Governor Christie threatens to scuttle a new commuter terminal between New Jersey and New York City.

Bob Herbert comments:

There have been many times when the U.S. has stunned the world with the breadth and greatness of its achievements — the Marshall Plan, the G.I. Bill, the world’s highest standard of living, the world’s finest higher education system, the space program, and on and on.

Somewhere, somehow, things went haywire. The nation that built the Erie Canal and Hoover Dam and the transcontinental railroad can’t even build a tunnel beneath the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York.

Because, you see, the tunnel would benefit persons who can’t afford to have chauffeurs.

Via Atrios.


1 comment

  1. Duffy

    October 13, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    Given that NJ is broke, where would the money come from?