From Pine View Farm

A White Boxing Day 2

Snow started last night in the Bayside area of Virginia Beach at about 8:13 p. m. We were driving home from dinner touring the neighborhood looking at lights when we saw the first flakes.

The prediction of one inch had already morphed into a one of 5-8 inches, (It was resoundingly derided by one of our fellow guests at dinner. Now he has a shovel-ready project.)

It looks as if there’s already five inches on the railing and it’s still snowing heavily.


Same view, five hours later:

More Snow



  1. Karen

    December 27, 2010 at 8:34 am

    Huh. We’ve seen a whopping 1.5″ FOR THE SEASON so far. Last year, in December alone, we had a little over 29″.

    All of the storms that come from the west are stopping at the mountains & losing the moisture all up & down the western slope.

    It’s supposed to change this weekend. We’ll see.

  2. Frank

    December 27, 2010 at 11:43 am

    In this part of the world, the heaviest snow storms are the ones that come up the coast from the south, because they get continuously resupplied with moisture from the Atlantic Ocean.  Those are the ones that drop two feet on Upper Delaware every ten years or so.

    The storms that you send our way usually blow themselves out over the Appalachians.

    Predicting snow here in the Mid-Atlantic coastal area is iffy.  If the temperature had been 3 Fahrenheits warmer–hardly much of a change–it would have just been a big rain storm or perhaps the fabled “wintry mix” or an ice storm, depending on the temperature in the clouds where the precip forms.